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Резюме от 22 мая 2024 Файл


Logistics Assistant

30 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Львов, Стрый

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон , эл. почту и адрес.

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Roman Smolkin
St. Zolota 40
Lviv, Ukraine.
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● High qualification in English
● High-quality translation of documentation (reading and
adapting the text to the content)
● Project experience
● High level of self-organization and responsibility
● Ability to work with office programs (Teams, MS Office.
Publisher, Sharepoint, Powerpoint, 1C-business, Trados)
● Result oriented
● Team player
● Flexible in work
● Reliable
● Well-developed personal time management
● Quick adaptation and learning of everything new, which is
necessary to ensure better performance of the duties assigned to me
● Stress resistance
● Multitasking
● Creativity
● Communication
● Enterprising
● Purposeful
● Strong time management

Premiere Urgence Internationale / Warehouse officer assistant March 2024 - May 2024
● Ensure cleanliness of storage areas and proper storage and maintenance of items, their
visibility and access to them in order to prevent incidents or destruction of goods due to the
action of moisture, water, rodents, sunlight.
● Participating in receiving goods, counting the number of boxes and goods (in pieces) using
invoices and packing slips, reporting damage and/or loss.
● Provision of physical distribution of goods in accordance with requests.
● Participation in shipments: preparation of packages, assembly of sets).
● Arrangement of items by direction, project, nature and/or purpose of the material.
● Reporting on the number of items to minimum values, expiration dates.
● Physical enumeration of warehouse stocks.
● Computerized monitoring of handling of warehouse stocks with the help of provided tools.
● Ensuring correctness and completeness of all necessary information in all warehouse
● Completing the annual report on the monitoring of warehouse stocks and monitoring of fuel
● Registration with the help of computerized tools, monitoring of warehouse stocks.
● Registration of acts of all kinds.

Médecins Sans Frontières / Storekeeper May 2023– December 31, 2023, Lviv
● Oversaw the day-to-day logistics activities and ensured the maintenance of MSF equipment,
facilities and infrastructure, in accordance with MSF standards and protocols, to maintain the
facilities in optimal condition and to advance the mission.
● Under the supervision of the line manager, ensured the inspection and further monitoring of
the objects placed in the warehouse. Reported any anomalies or problems, carried out
assessments of the need for restoration and further minor works, according to the instructions
of the manager; carry out
● inspections of premises compliance with safety standards and monitor the temperature regime
in the warehouse of medical equipment.
● Carried out order management and tracking, which includes the collection of medical and
logistics orders that come to various departments or medical institutions; placing and tracking
orders in accordance with MSF's current supply procedures and ensuring that incoming cargo
or materials are received, as well as organizing and preparing materials for shipment.
● Participation in the inventory
● LLC 3 bears / Refrigeration equipment maintenance expert
● April 2021 – January 31, 2023, Berdychiv
● Carrying out repair and service work of commercial refrigeration equipment (showcases, etc.);
● Conducting commissioning work on refrigeration equipment;
● Performing small installation and dismantling works on refrigeration equipment
● Completing work reports for the day/week/month
● Carrying out inventory
● Participation in the opening of new outlets (installation of equipment)
● Execution of varnishing and painting works
● Introducing the latest ideas into work
General education school No. 6 / Nurse September 2018 – October 2020, Berdychiv
● medical and pedagogical control over physical education of students;
● implementation of constant monitoring of children's health (anthropometry, thermometry);
● participation in the organization of school meals;
● conducting educational and advisory work among children,
● parents and teachers regarding a healthy lifestyle and mental health care;
● support of children with chronic diseases;
● cooperation with a school psychologist, employees of inclusive
● resource centers, health care and social protection institutions;
● organization and control of ongoing disinfection and sanitary
● and anti-epidemic measures.;
● control over the timeliness of the student's preventive medical
● examinations and vaccinations.
● provision of first aid to students in case of an emergency;
● examinations of children for the presence of pediculosis;
● control and supervision of children with infectious diseases.

Education Zhytomyr State University named by Ivan Franko / Bachelor - philology, Germanic
languages and literatures (including
translation (first English))
September 2019 - July 2022, Zhytomyr
During the period of study, he acquired the following knowledge:
• stylistic translation
• artistic translation
• technical translation of medical terminology (optional)
• interpretation of the text
During his studies, he was the head of the group all the years, there
were no complaints about the performance of his duties.
Berdychiv Communal Medical College/ junior specialist -
medical affairs/ paramedic-obstetrician
September 2011 - July 2015, Berdychiv
During the period of study, he mastered the following knowledge and skills in practice and theory
• human anatomy and physiology
• pharmaceutics
• gynecological knowledge
• diseases, their symptoms and treatment. Adults and children, as well as newborns and the neonatal
• Techniques of taking blood and other human biological fluids
• Tolerance to any population categories
• Psychological techniques for tolerant communication with people

Language knowledge
Ukrainian - native speaker (fluent written
and spoken) English - B2-C1 (written and
Russian - fluent (written and spoken)
prevention of sexual exploitation and sexual harassment (PSEA. UNICEF program)
Webinar: Building a humanitarian career with WFP Ukraine
Olena Andriyvska - Premiere Urgence Internationale
Warehouse officer
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Alexander Blisnichenko - 3 Bears
head of maintenance of the refrigerating station
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Dmytro Ochkus - Doctors without borders
Supply manager
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Anna Horkova - Doctors without borders
Supply coordinator
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