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Резюме от 22 мая 2024 Файл


Test engineer

29 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Каменское, Киев

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Ihor Tiukhta
Software Test Engineer
Summary of qualifications Personal information
 More than 1 years of working  Ukraine, Kamianske
experience in the testing realm.  Cell Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
 Team player with the ability to work  Emaill: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
productively in team as well as
 Responsible, attentive and Experience
dependable person orientated on QA Start Up Testing Center (January 2021 –
the result. July 2021)
 Strong communication skill Project Name: Bug Tracker
combined with good concentration Role: Software Testing Engineer
on the project. Project description:
Application which allows users to track bugs
and tasks: create, edit bug/task reports, find
Technical skills bug/task reports using filtering by specific
 Strong understanding of QA theory, parameters, export bug/task reports and
knowledge in software development interact with multiple users.
life cycle (SDLS). Responsible:
 Testing methodology, principles,  Manual software testing
levels, types and technics of testing.  Analyzing requirements and
 Knowledge of Development software, creation the appropriate
Methodologies: Waterfall, Kanban, test documentation (Test Plan, Test
SCRUM. Cases, Test Coverage)
 Technical documentation testing  Test Execution and bug reports
and clear understanding of creation using Jira bug tracking
requirements types. system
 Ability to design/write a technical Test IO (august 2021 – till now)
documentation: Test Plan, Test Case
etc. Education
 Familiarity with Defect Life Cycle and
Bug Tracking system.  Berdyansk State Pedagogical
 Ability to work with HTML/CSS, SQL. University (2012 - 2018).
 Basic knowledge: Unix (Ubuntu). Qualification: management of
Operating system: Microsoft Windows. educational institutions
Document Management Software: from 2016 – 2018.
Microsoft Word/Excel, Google Docs/Sheets.
Developers and test tools: Jira Software,
Postman, XMind, Sublime Text 3, Dev Tools.

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