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Резюме от 29 мая 2024 Файл


Junior QA Engineer

30 лет
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Viktoria Fetisova
QA Engineer
My name is Victoria, I am a QA engineer with good theoretical knowledge of software testing
fundamentals and less than a year of experience in web and mobile application testing.

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Rovno, Ukraine [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Study Program Experienced in writing test documentation (test plan,
Admiral Makarov National University of check-list, test-cases);
2012 - 2018, Ukraine, Nikolaev Knowledge of test design technics, testing levels
Master. Program Subject Working with TMS (TestRail), creating test suites, test runs
Area: Computer sciences and test-reports
and information
technologies. Study Executing tests in Web/Mobile applications
Program: "Information
management systems and
technologies" Experienced in identifying and reporting bugs, working in
tracking systems (JIRA, Trello)

Сourse for QA engineers Knowledge about software development process,
Online school "BeQA" software testing techniques and software development
03/2024 - 05/2024, Ukraine life cycle (SDCL)
Сourse for QA engineers Knowledge about Agile methodology (Scrum, Kanban)
for beginners
Basic knowledge of database, writing SQLcv queries

Understanding the basics of Web technologies:

Сourse for QA engineers (non-commercial
Knowledge of API testing (REST), using Postman, Swagger
Online school "BeQA" Positive attitude to learning new tools and technologies
03/2024 - 05/2024, Ukraine
Attention to details, responsibility, communication skills,
On the course for QA engineers gained experience in testing
analytical thinking, trainability, diligence
web applications, creating test documentation, localizing
bugs and bug report writing, and working in tracking
systems (JIRA, Trello)

Quality system manager LANGUAGES
Nikolaev Cognac Factory Ltd. English A2
2017 - 2021, Ukraine, Nikolaev Limited Working Proficiency
Experience in quality control at food production facilities
Preparation of drafts of administrative and regulatory
documents of the company INTERESTS
Organization of internal audits
Swimming Bicycling Sports Movies
Participation in the collection and systematization of
information necessary for the analysis of the quality
management system
Participation in preparation for HACCP certification and
further periodic inspection control

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Удаленно, Киев, Харьков

Quality assurance engineer

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60000 грн, Удаленно, Днепр, Другие страны

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