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Резюме от 23 мая 2024 Файл


Full stack developer

25 лет

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

I am an experienced full-stack engineer with 8 years of experience working with
various languages and frameworks. My expertise lies in tackling complex
Naimjon Azimov business challenges and designing comprehensive full-stack solutions. I have a
strong background in developing web applications using React, Vue,
Senior Software Developer Laravel/Express, Node, Next and Python/Django. I am also well-versed in Java
Urgut Shahri, Samarqand Region, and Asp.net and have successfully deployed over 10 projects using React,
Uzbekistan Laravel, and Go. Throughout my career, I have collaborated with startups in
diverse industries such as Healthcare, Booking, Blockchain, Real Estate, FinTech,
Music, and E-commerce.

I wanna contribute to your company and work together.
Thanks for your kind. Best Regards.

Work Experience
Freelancer • Upwork
March 2024 - Present
Within 2 months, I earned over $1k

Solidity & Web3 Developer • SotaTek
October 2020 - February 2024
SotaTek is a part of Sota Holdings, a global Software Development as a Service (SDaaS), IT Outsourcing &
Consulting group.
-Closely collaborated with the product and dev teams to improve the efficiency of the platform by 25%
-Built 5 reusable cross-chain libraries
-Composed 3 new tools and integrated them into the platform
-Assisted in developing the backend that became the foundation for the intersection between Web3 and DEX
-Collaborated in 5+ open source community projects, met with stakeholders, and mentored and tutored 3 junior

Senior Full-Stack Developer • Mobylogix
November 2018 - October 2020
Mobylogix is the most trusted software engineering & marketing company that delivers top-notch & innovative IT
-Directed in the development and maintenance of a ecommerce system.
-Led the team of 2 developers to develop a front-end reporting system for Mobylogix's internal clients
-Developed software that helped customers to simulate loans which increased the loans by 10%
-Designed and developed 2 micro-services

Junior Web Developer • Agira Technologies
October 2016 - November 2018
Agira Technologies strives to build products for Global Startups/Mid-sized business and be a part of their success
-Competed 10+ projects
-Improved user interfaces by updating menus to be more intuitive, attracting 5% more clients than the previous
-Participated in developing a complex bookkeeping system that handled financial transactions 60% more
efficiently than the previous one
-Improved database performance by 12% by using materialized views and stored procedures

Washington State University 2012 - 2016
Web and Blockchain Development

Tech Stack
Node.js React MongoDB Express.js Laravel

English - Professional

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