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Резюме от 13 июня 2024 Файл


Marketing manager

24 года
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Anastasiia Shterpak
Marketing specialist
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Профіль Особисті дані
Profile Дата народження
6 січня 2000 р.
Experienced marketing professional specializing in B2B/132C strategies,
web, and app development. Proven success in diverse campaigns, from
paid ads to social media, graphic design, email marketing, SEO, and Мова
event planning. Skilled in marketing budgeting and analytics. Thrives
under pressure, delivering exceptional results within tight deadlines. English
Passionate about innovation, creativity, and leveraging data-driven
insights to exceed marketing objectives. Effective communicator and
collaborator, offering valuable contributions to enhance any company's
marketing efforts and elevate brand awareness and business value.

Bachelor's degree - Marketing вер 2017
Lviv Ivan Franko National University Lviv, Ukraine

MARKETING MANAGER вер 2021 - бер 2024
Omisoft Kyiv, Ukraine
• Lead Generation Strategies:
• Strategized and executed outbound Linkedin and email lead generation
tactics in collaboration with specialists.
• Managed inbound marketing strategies, breaking down tasks to meet
such as ROI, LTV, and CAC.
•Market Positioning and Planning:
•Conducted thorough market and competitor analysis to identify
opportunities and improve market positioning.
• Oversaw the development and execution of go-to-market plans,
presentations, and other marketing materials.
•ContentCreation and Web Management:
• Managed all website content creation, implementing strategic planning
to improve traffic acquisition and conversion.
•Developed and executed social media marketing strategies, contributing
to brand visibility and overall revenue growth.
• Brand Promotion and Industry Research:
•Led personal brand promotion initiatives for co-founders through
content publications, webinars, and PR efforts.
• Conducted industry research to plan offline events, including trade
shows, seminars,and workshops.
• Optimization and Analytics:
• Collaborated with sales and marketing teams to optimize reporting and
analytics for maximum effectiveness and budget efficiency.
• Demonstrated expertise in SEO and content marketing, contributing to
improved search rankingsand increased website traffic.
• Digital Marketing Campaigns:
• Executed successful Linkedln and Facebook paid ad campaigns,
increasing brand visibility and driving revenue growth.
•Developed strategies for personal brand promotion, including webinars
and PR efforts, to enhance overall recognition.
• Landing Pages and Copy Development:
• Led the development of landing pages and crafted sales/marketing
copy to optimize lead conversion and revenue growth.
• Utilized a range of digital marketing tools for lead generation, website
optimization, content writing, SEO, and social media.
In summary, my multifaceted approach involved comprehensive lead
generation, strategic market positioning, impactful content creation, and
successful digital marketing campaigns, all contributing to the overall
growth and visibility of the brand.

MARKETING LEAD трав 2022 - серп 2022
Finsimco, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Created marketing strategy, conducted market research, and competitive
analysis to identify customer needs, preferences, trends, strengths, and
weaknesses.Developed product positioning and messaging.Developed
website content from scratch resulting in an increase in organic traffic by
45% and an increase in user engagement by 30%.
Developed website content from scratch resulting in an increase in
organic traffic by 45% and an increase in user engagement by 30%.
Created marketing collateral.SEO analysis.

MARKETING MANAGER груд 2021 - вер 2022
Binariks, Ukraine
As the Marketing Manager at Binariks, I spearheaded successful
marketing initiatives, driving the company's growth through strategic
campaigns across social media, review platforms, and search engines. In
my role, Iachieved the following milestones:
• Expanded our presence on key customer acquisition platforms through
targeted campaigns.
• Executed cost-effective lead generation efforts, including SEO, email
marketing, paidads, and social media.
• Developed nurturing programs for web traffic, ensuring informed
decision- making by our customers.
• Identified and leveraged new channels for lead generation,
increasingour reach and connecting with new customers.
• Optimized marketing spending by measuring lead and customer
acquisition costs across channels, maximizing ROl.

• Improved website conversion rates through A/B testing of structure,
design, and content, enhancing user experience.
• Collaborated with cross-functional teams, aligning campaign goals with
overall business objectives.
• Reported campaign success to senior management, providing insights
for improvement and growthopportunities.
With over 1year of experience in B2B online marketing, Ispecialize in lead
generation using SEO, email marketing, content marketing, PPC, and
social media. I bring strong analytical skills, a results-driven approach,
and proficiency in marketing technologies such as CRM, marketing
tools, and web analytics. As a creative and open-minded self-starter, I
thrive on challenges and excel in content creation, UX writing, and
technical documentation. My expertise extends toSEO (on-page) and the
development of various marketing materials, from landing pages to pitch

PRODUCT MARKETING MANAGER груд 2020 - трав 2021
Gapotchenko, LLC UKR
Creating content for websites with infographics, social media platforms,
ad campaigns, case studies, and articles for the blog.Creating landing
(HTML, CSS), long-reads, brochures, white papers, marketing materials,
pitch decks, and presentations.Go-to-market strategy creation.
Go-to-market strategy creation.Website development and SEO
optimization (on-page, off-page).Increased organic website traffic by 80%
and SEO results by 40%.
Increased organic website traffic by 80% and SEO results by 40%.PPC.

PRODUCT MARKETING MANAGER серп 2019 - вер 2020
Geeksters Hub/VP Software UKR
Developed website content from scratch. Creating valuable content
across multiple social media platforms, SMM.Writing case studies and
articles for the blog.
Writing casestudies and articles for the blog.Research and contacting
potential clients to offer services. Website development, coordination,
and interaction with the team (developers).
Website development, coordination, and interaction with the team
(developers).Attending sales meetings, industry trade shows, and
training seminars to gather information, promote products, expand the
network of contacts, and increase knowledge.

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