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Резюме от 18 июня 2024 Файл


System administrator

18 лет

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Serhii Ostrikov, DevOps Engineer & System Administrator (Remote Only)
Personal Portfolio Website: ostrikov.org Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Linkedin: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Telegram: @u42kbit
Location: Kharkiv Region (UTC +3)
• Languages - English (Intermediate), Ukrainian (Fluent), Russian (Fluent)
• Networks and TCP/IP - Switches, Routers, Ethernet, Configured CISCO network equipment, IPv4, TCP, DNS, HTTP, SSH, FTP
• Linux and Windows Server Administration - VPNs, Nginx, Apache2 (LAMP stack), WordPress
• Programming / Scripting – Bash (curl, awk, sed, grep), Python, Node.js, PHP, C/C++, Java, Rust, Zig, etc.
• Version Control Systems (VSC or SCM), CI/CD - Git, GitLab CI, GitHub Actions, Jenkins, Git hooks, GitOps pipelines
• Cloud – AWS (EC2, S3, VPC, RDS, IAM, Route 53, Elastic Beanstalk, Lambda, ECS Fargate, EKS), GCP Basics
• IaC (Infrastructure as Code) – Terraform, Terragrunt, Packer, Ansible, Helm, K8S Manifest files
• SQL and NoSQL Databases - MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, Elastic Search, MongoDB
• Virtualization and Containers - Docker, Docker Compose, KVM, K8S (Kubernetes)
• Containers Orchestration – Kubernetes (GKE, EKS), Helm Charts, Manifest files, GitOps with ArgoCD
• Monitoring - Prometheus, Grafana, Elastic | ELK Basics
Work Experience
• DevOps and Developer at Trementum Research Apr 2024 / May 2024, Full-Time, Remote
• With a team of developers, automated custom solutions to serve most fresh social media data to analytics
• Wrote and maintained existing Node.JS, Python code with unit testing coverage, ensuring proper behavior
• Automated scheduled jobs, code deployments from GitHub, managed existing jobs with Jenkins Server
• Hotfixed bugs and PostgreSQL database anomalies, posted on Jira by developers and analytics
• Participated in code reviews both as reviewer and reviewee, analyzed Pull Requests (Merge Requests)
• DevOps and Developer at small-scale gaming services company Mar 2023 / Apr 2024, Part-Time, Remote
• Optimized monthly AWS bill for 5% - 10% by rewriting and improving existing infrastructure.
• Optimized database load by 15% - 20% by rewriting microservice authentication backend to JSON Web Tokens.
• Developed Discord and Telegram bots with Python, and deployed them onto EC2 servers, ensuring security and reliability.
• Managed databases using RDS (with MySQL), implemented automated backup and disaster recovery solutions.
• Made the infrastructure observable with Prometheus and Grafana monitoring
• Wrote CI/CD pipelines, that ensure agile, secure and reliable application delivery times (Jenkins, Gitlab CI).
• Managed cloud infrastructure with IaC tools (Terraform, Packer, Ansible), documented infrastructure configurations.

• Personal website – ostrikov.org, projects, blogs and everything a personal website should have!
Extremely cost effective solution for website, only 1.5$ per month with TLS/SSL Certificates and CDN caching!
Removes 100% of manual work on the developers and DevOps engineers side, by automation via GitLab CI pipelines.
• Production ready PHP Application pipeline (link) - flexible multi-environment AWS Elastic Beanstalk setup for PHP app.
Uses multirepo Git setup, with GitLab CI pipelines to deploy infrastructure (GitOps) and application.
• Kubernetes microservice projects (link) – built microservices with databases according to latest DevOps best practices.
Such setups allow agile development and ensure good scalability, self-healing, stability. Infrastructure and cluster state is
managed via IaC tools, which allow for safe containers deployments and rollbacks when something goes wrong!
Utilizes K8S Clusters (provisioned via Terraform), Docker, ArgoCD GitOps, Helm Charts, Manifests, Node.JS, Bash.

DevOps Engineer (1+ years) | Programmer (3+ years) | Student at NURE University.
My hobbies are DevOps, any kind of programming, information security, nutrition, sports.
Education - Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (nure.ua) Bachelor Degree, Sep 2022 / Present

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