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Java-розробник, Full-stack engineer

31 год

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SOFTWARE ENGINEER 2,5+ years of experience designing, coding,
Aimprosoft Company testing, and deploying software based on
Nov 2020 – May 2023 Java + React in all layers of the
- Implementing REST API in a Spring Boot development life cycle under general
application; supervision. Proactive team member with
- Testing code with JUnit and bug fixing; proven communication skills. Able to
- Working with databases; develop prototypes and solutions
- Implementing messaging in a Spring leveraging a diverse range of technology.
Boot application; Applies modern principles, methodologies,
- Implementing push notifications using tools, and systemic processes to support
FMS. the launch of new business capabilities.
Fast learner, accountable, and detail-
COMMUNICATION attentive adherent of Agile methodologies.
English Intermediate Ready for extra hours.

Java Advanced Front-End JavaScript, React, HTML/CSS
JavaScript Basic Database MySQL, PostgreSQL,
Spring Advanced MongoDB
React Basic Back-End Java, Spring stack, Hibernate
AWS Intermediate Other Git, Maven, JUnit, Gradle

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2014 - 2018
Bachelor’s degree
National Law University of Yaroslav Mudryi


Employee Compensation Platform is a blockchain platform that is designed to improve
health, safety, and employee productivity by replacing outdated compensation
systems with token-powered smart contracts that automatically pay workers for their
contributions to business profitability. There is a web Company/PEO Admin UI and
Android/iOS employee application with microservices deployed on AWS and built
based on the newest Spring Cloud stack. For communication between services/clients
uses AWS SQS/SNS The solution rewards users with tokens for their performance,
enabling them to set and achieve personal and professional goals more accurately.
Bonuses, salary raises, and other infrequent incentives are now replaced with small,
immediate rewards paid in cryptocurrency tokens for achieving daily goals that
accumulate to make a substantial difference to the company and provide immediate
positive feedback to employees. The created solution also has built-in free mental
health counseling and orthopedic injury telemedicine assessment tool that allows
employees to get the help they need at any time. With such a solution, employers can
offer new benefits to their employees that were previously only available to large
multinational corporations. The platform not only helps employers take care of their
employees, showing them that they are truly valued, but also significantly reduces
employer costs by encouraging employees to be safer and healthier.
Java backend developer
• Creation REST API endpoints
• Building microservices and establish connection between services
• Integrating with Prism HR system
• Writing SQL scripts
• Testing code using Junit and Spring Mock MVC
• Implement RSQL for filtering and sorting requests

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• Implement push notifications via FMS
• Integrarate with AWS SQS
• Working in Cron jobs
Platform: Java, IOS, Android, VueJS
Databases: MySQL
Technologies: Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data, Spring Security, Spring Cloud,
Spring Integration Jetpack , RxJava, Retrofit, Firebase analytics, Firebase cloud
messaging, Glide, AWS S3, Vuetify, MetaMask, WalletConnect, Mocha, SinonJS,
SASS, Swift, Alamofire, UIKit, Autolayout, Interface builder Jenkins, AWS Fargate
Third parties: AWS S3, AWS SQS, AWS SNS
Tools: GIT, IntelliJ IDEA 21.x, Gradle, Firebase
Team size: 15 – 17

It provides service inventory planning and optimization solutions that support service
supply chain requirements across diverse industries. Innovative solutions seamlessly
integrate with your existing IT infrastructure to forecast demand and optimize target
stock levels so your company can more efficiently execute supply, replenishment and
repair orders.
Java Backend Developer
• Implementation of new business logic into existing codebase
• Support of existing functionality
• Implementing REST API for new features
• Testing code using Junit and Spring Mock MVC
• Participating in planning meetings
Platform: Ubuntu, Tomcat, Java
Databases: PostgreSQL
Technologies: Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Hibernate, Gradle Dojo Toolkit,
AngularJS, React Docker, Jenkins
Third parties: GeoCoder, JReport, Sisense Analytics, OSRM Travel Calculator
Tools: IntelliJ IDEA, Git
Team size: 15 – 20

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This project is a collaboration hub that brings the right people, information, and tools
together to get work done in the company. The chat allows you to define a unique
account, fill out your profile, manage notification settings. Also, a user can create
rooms or send messages directly. Instead of a single overstuffed inbox, conversations
in the Chat happen in dedicated spaces called rooms. This chat makes it simple to
follow conversations or find important information in an easily searchable archive. The
chat can be installed on a local server and can be used in the intranet. Target
environments: WEB, Desktop, iOS and Android applications.

Software Engineer
• Writing scalable and efficient code
• Designing, implementing and maintaining ackend code of the application
• Development of new features and components
• Creation of tests
• Participation in SCRUM meetings
• Working on authentication and authorization
Platform: Android, iOS, Web, Electron, Python
Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, Realm, CoreData, SQLAlchemy
Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Spring, Spring Integration, Spring Security, Spring
MVC, Hibernate, Solr, Node.js, Tornado, Serenity, Cucumber, Jenkins React, React
Saga, Redux, SASS, SCSS, DraftJS, Immutable.js, Moment.js, SockJS, WebSocket,
Swagger, Webpack, JSX Nginx, Docker, GitLab CI/CD Third parties: Android Support
libraries, Retrofit, okHttp, rxJava2, Dagger, Firebase , JUnit, Karma, LDAP
Integration, Cerberus, aioCache, Pillow, Gravatar
Tools: IntelliJ IDEA, Git, TestFlight, Xcode, Android Studio, Gradle, Avocode,
PyCharm, Sketch, Axure RP, Miro, Zeplin, InVision, Postman
Team size: 6 - 11

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