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Програміст Java

19 лет

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Версия для быстрого просмотра

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Volodymyr Summary
Zastavnyi A student of Applied Mathematics with a strong ability to solve
problems. My problem-solving skills and attention to detail ensure
Backend Developer efficient and reliable solutions. I enjoy collaborating with teams
to achieve common goals and am eager to continue learning and
Personal info growing in the field of software development, with a particular in-
terest in mastering advanced web technologies. In my free time, I
0 22/09/2005 enjoy swimming and exploring the outdoors.
ƒ [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») I am looking for an exciting project to work as a Backend Devel-
oper with perspective to improve my skills
# [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
* Lviv, Ukraine
Work Experience
Dual study with SoftServe
Links Frontend Developer
Feb 2024 – May 2024
§ github.com/Vovazast1 In my latest pet project, I developed the mobile application with
ï [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») my team. This project was part of my dual study program with
SoftServe and involved creating a dynamic, user-friendly applica-
tion with a variety of technologies and tools.
I used technologies like Java, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Maven
Skills and MySQL. This project allowed me to work effectively in a team
environment, using various collaboration tools such as Jira and
Ð Java, Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Confluence, and following Scrum methodologies.
Maven, MySQL
Key Contributions:
Ô Windows
 IntelliJ IDEA, Swagger, Figma, Jira, • Function Development: Wrote numerous requests and ser-
Confluence, GitHub vices that are integral to the application’s operations.
• Application connection: Successfully connected main parts
of the program: frontend, backend, database.

SoftServe Dual study Sep, 2022 - now • Backend Logic: Developed extensive backend logic to han-
dle user interactions and data processing.
EPAM Java Programming Jul,
2023 - Oct, 2023 • Migrations: Wrote migrations using FlyWay, to synchronize
SoftServe Technical Weeks Feb, 2024 database information.
- April, 2024
This project allowed me to enhance my skills in various modern
web and mobile development technologies, contributing signifi-
cantly to a functional and polished application.

Ukrainian (Native)
English (Intermediate) Lviv Polytechnic National University
Applied mathematics
Lviv Sep 2022 – now

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