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Резюме от 19 июня 2024 Файл


UX/UI Designer

28 лет

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Anna Zinkevych
UX/UI designer
Hello! I’m Anna and I am a relentless seeker of design solutions that not only
captivate but also deeply resonate with users on an emotional level. Design

is a multifaceted profession, so I am constantly developing and improving my
skills to be on the cutting edge.

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Linkedin

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Behance portfolio

hard skills education
Knowledge of UI Basics, color science, typography, composition, UX/UI Design
visual design, UX principles. Designly | Jan ‘24 - May ‘24
Wireframes, interactive prototypes, visual design, 
 Bachelor degree in Tourism
UI-kit in Figma.
National Aviation University| Sep ‘12 - May ‘16
Brainstorming, client briefin‡g, secondary UX research.
Basic knowledge of Usability testing
Competitor analysis and UX audit, based on Nielsen’s Heuristics.
Competitor analysis and UX audit, based on Nielsen’s euristics.
User flow, sitemap. E-commerce | “CodeVerse” - bookstore for IT
Adaptive design.
(study project)
Understanding and basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and Client briefing
JavaScript. Definition of target audience
Competitor analysis and UX audit based on

tools Nielsen’s euristics
User flow and Sitemap
Wireframes and prototype in Figma
User testing
Mood board, visual design and UI Kit in Figma

Landing page | “Nostalgia vineyards” - winery
soft skills website (study project)
Information from the client(brief), discussion of all
Sympathy and empathy during communication, understanding
the target audience and designing with their needs and
preferences in mind. Secondary research

Constant improvement and self-motivation willingness to Lo-Fi and Hi-Fi wireframes
learn new design tools, techniques, and trends to continuously Mood board(colors, typography, idea) for client
improve my skills. and technical mood board for me
Argumentation of my design decisions during the presentation UI design
of the design solution to the client and team. UI Kit and interactive prototype
Flexibility and openness to new experiences, including rapid
acquisition of skills and adaptation to changing environments.
Honesty and ethical responsibility: upholding ethical standards
and taking personal responsibility for achievements and errors.
languages Cycling
english - upper-intermidiate
ukrainian - native
polish - basic

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