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Резюме от 27 мая 2024 PRO

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Этот соискатель решил скрыть свои личные данные и контакты. Вы можете связаться с ним со страницы https://www.work.ua/resumes/10719017

PHP developer

Полная занятость.
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Опыт работы

Senior Web Developer

с 06.2022 по 04.2024 (1 год 10 месяцев)

Web Developer

с 03.2020 по 03.2022 (2 года)

The role in a product company is to focus on the development and support of core software products.
I worked on highly loaded projects, developed and implemented APIs, RESTful services, designed databases, created SQL queries and optimized existing ones.
Key technologies: Laravel (including Vanilla PHP), PHP 7.*, Git, CSS3, Bootstrap, HTML5, JavaScript ES6+, Docker, PHPUnit, RabbitMQ, MySQL, MariaDB, Redis, Node.js, React, Vue.js.
I actively participated in regular code reviews, contributing to the continuous improvement of product quality.

Senior Web Developer and Team Lead

с 01.2012 по 08.2014 (2 года 7 месяцев)
SEARATES LLC (now DP World), Одесса (IT)

The leading role of the manager and developer in the project www.searates.com, an international website on container transportation and freight forwarding.
Key technologies: PHP5, Zend Framework, PostgreSQL, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Google Maps API, Git.
Personal achievement: Developed "Container tracking", an innovative software to visualizing global maritime trade routes using Google Maps. This tool significantly improved the user experience and functionality of the website.
Designed the architecture of the project and database, created and optimized SQL queries, significantly improving the efficiency and productivity of working with data.
I also participated in the configuration and administration of servers.
I led the development team, contributing to high traffic and global reach of the site.

Web developer

с 01.2011 по 01.2012 (1 год)
SEARATES LLC (now DP World), Одесса (IT)

Participated in the development and support of www.searates.com, a major international platform for container transportation and freight forwarding.
Key technologies: Vanilla PHP5 MVC, PostgreSQL, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Git.
Participated in the development of key site features and user interface enhancements, API development, Microservices, proposed innovative solutions.
Collaborated with the development team to implement new projects and improve existing site features.


Taras Shevchenko State University

Equivalent to a Master's degree in Software Engineering, specializing in Computer and Automatized System Software of Engineer in Speciality., Вся Украина
Высшее, с 2004 по 2009 (5 лет)

First place at the scientific conference for the presentation of the program on the topic "Information system of the department".

Знания и навыки

Комунікабельність PHP HTML MySQL JavaScript CSS Git Laravel Знання принципів ООП SQL Bootstrap Знання принципів MVC Docker Користувач ОС Linux AJAX WordPress PostgreSQL Vue.js JQuery

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