Вживання російської небезпечне

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Sales development manager, 20 000 грн

Полная занятость.
41 год

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

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Опыт работы

Manager of segments «Vegetables \Fruit \Confectionery in bulk». Since 2015 Manager of segments « Meat \Poultry \Smoked meet production»

с 04.2013 по наст. время (11 лет 5 месяцев)
“Auchan Hypermarket Ukraine" (International retailer), Odessa (International retailer)

- budgeting and forecasting of commercial indicators short\long term (turnover, clients penetration, margin, expenses, profit etc.)
- organization of production processes: boning of meat (pork, beef, mutton, chicken), smoked meet
- clients-oriented commerce activities organization, promotions (festivals, fairs)
- competitors researches
- production margin planning
- meet receiving
- inventory counts
- margin calculation
- basic retail standards control( merchandising, information for customers)
- document management: sanitary, production, work safety
- implementation of HACCP
- internal and external communication with services and suppliers
- recruitment of personnel by competences
- organization of team: coordination of working process, working time management
- control of productivity
- motivation for emotional climate inside of team and collaboration development
- coaching for store employees : Customer focus and service, Decrease of losses, Achievement of target commercial indicators, HACCP etc.
- coaching for employees professional in School of butcher profession (country level)
- employees competences analyses and development
- education programs’ implantation for career inside the team
- activities on employees turnover decrease
- control of HR indicators
- control of KPI indicators realization
- operation account reports analysis

HR achievements(2016/2017):
- 6 butchers professional trained from the start (hired out of experience)
- 2 employees trained as Deputy managers
- decreasing of employees turnover to 10%
- productivity increasing +20%
Commercial achievements (2016/2017):
- turnover progress +55%
- clients qty progress +25%
- articles qty progress +45%
- losses decreasing to 0,7% of TO

Specialist of department of Regional Development, since 2009 - Head of department "Vegetables\ Fruit"

с 06.2008 по 04.2013 (4 года 10 месяцев)
"real,-Hypermarket Ukraine", Metro Group (International retailer), Одесса (International retailer)

Since 2008:
- research of the retail market of the region (demand/offer, marketing)
- research of the Fresh sector consumers
- preparation of the project of Real,- Hypermarket Odessa opening (fresh departments) – participation in forming of an assortment matrix, price policy, the project of fresh departments merchandising (presentation zones, equipment organization)
- recruitment and training of specialists team for Hypermarket opening

Since 2009:
- successful opening of hypermarket in Odessa as a Head of department "Vegetables\ Fruit"
- organization of department (planning, arrangement of priorities, quality control)
- team management (motivation, trainings, coordination)
- sales management (price policy, competitors control, organization of promotion and seasonal sales)
- goods flow management (orders – deliveries – control of goods receiving– control of stock)
- analysis of commercial indicators
- maintenance and optimization of the quality system according to the HACCP standards and internal standards of the company
- activities on client satisfaction

Manager of system control

с 05.2003 по 01.2008 (4 года 8 месяцев)
LLC Fast Food Format (TM Blinok), Луганск (Fast food production)

- 12 production stores control
- quality control of the received raw products
- control of the production processes, quality control
- control of sanitary and hygienic standards in production and service zones
- enhancement of client service standards, employees trainings
- recruitment of personnel
- development, testing and implementation of innovations to production process (customers’ demand research, implementation of new recipes and assortment )
- work with the coffee and pancake equipment, an ice cream and milkshakes equipment (personnel training and control of a technical and sanitary condition)
- enhancement of internal functions documents for employees
- trainings of team
- sales management (activities on sales increasing)
- auditing control, the analysis and actions on decrease of losses
- organization of new stores openings from (local and franchising ones)


Luhansk State Pedagogical University of T. G. Shevchenko

Elementary school teacher and English. Master’s degree., Луганск
Высшее, с 2000 по 2005 (4 года 9 месяцев)

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

School of butchers Professional Meat boning, production margin calculation.

2016, 6 месяцев

Знания и навыки

  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • MS Office
  • Internet User
  • MS PowerPoint
  • MS Outlook

Знание языков

  • Английский — выше среднего
  • Французский — начинающий
  • Украинский — свободно

Дополнительная информация

Personal qualities:
Open minded
Global vision

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