Вживання російської небезпечне

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Personal assistant, office manager, administrator, 10 000 грн

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
39 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Киев, Удаленно

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Опыт работы

Office manager, personal assistant to the general director

с 02.2017 по 12.2017 (10 месяцев)
CG “Sinteza Agro”, Киев (Finance, banking, and insurance)

•Reception and distribution of telephone calls;
•correspondence processing, e-mail checking;
•welcoming clients;
•planning the working day of the head of the company;
•planning, organizing and controlling the entire office administration;
•organization of workplaces for new employees;
•planning and supervision of all personal travel arrangements including: air travel, ground transportation, and accommodations;
•manage facilities within all departments;
•planning the procurement of office supplies;
•organization of meetings and conferences;
•preparation and distribution of information;
•developing budgets;
•event organization (internal seminars, corporate events, office parties);
•communication with contractors for the creation of printing and souvenir products;
•working with 1C.

Office manager, personal assistant, business development manager, HR manager.

с 08.2015 по 08.2016 (1 год)
Law firm "YUVITO", Киев (Law firm)

•Reception and distribution of telephone calls;
•сorrespondence processing, e-mail checking;
•welcoming clients;
•planning the working day of the head of the company;
•planning, organizing and controlling the entire office administration;
•working with Terrasoft CRM system;
•calling and mailing the customers;
•communication with the media;
•communication with contractors for the creation of printing and souvenir products;
•creation of presentation materials;
•creation and editing of commercial offers;
•creation and editing content for the site and the FB page;
•searching for candidates for different positions;
•using different methods for search;
•interviewing (telephone, personal, Skype);
•elaboration of recommendations;
•maintaining the candidate base;
•event organization (internal seminars, corporate events, office parties)

Project creator of Corporation "Delivery-Happiness", producer and organizer of online events

с 06.2014 по 08.2015 (1 год 2 месяца)
Corporation "Delivery-Happiness", Киев (Infobusiness)

• Creating the idea of the conference;
• finding and establishing partnerships with coaches and speakers;
• writing the announcements of the event;
• e-mail marketing;
• сommunication with potential clients in social networks and messengers;
• оnline сonference leader.

Social media manager

с 01.2013 по 06.2014 (1 год 5 месяцев)
Free-lance (Marketing, advertising, and PR)

•Promotion of the brand in popular social networks;
•writing unique texts and articles on a given subject;
•creating groups in social networks (registration, decoration, design, content information , etc.);
•dissemination of information and links in thematic communities (websites, forums, social networks, blogs );
•tracking and suppression of negativity against the brand;
•tweeter Marketing ;
•viral marketing ;
•hidden marketing on forums and social networks;
•work with the blogosphere.

Deputy director

с 08.2008 по 01.2013 (4 года 5 месяцев)
LLC"Ebola communications" (digital advertising)

- Planning of the day CEO;
- Management of administrative cases;
- Organization of the reception and processing of documents and correspondence;
- Negotiating with partners and customers;
- Conducting business correspondence of CEO;
- Verification of documents submitted for signature (accounts, closing documents, acts, invoices, bills of lading, contracts);
- Training missions, visa and travel-full support (booking tickets, hotel reservations, etc.);
- Monitoring of employees;
- Contracts;
- Operational task formulation and redistribution of work;
- The creation of favorable conditions for interpersonal relationships among employees;
- Organization of sketches and brain-storming;
- Participation in the organization of corporate events;
- Maintaining a calendar of birthdays and other anniversaries of customers and employees (including shopping for gifts, etc.).

Journalist, photographer

с 03.2007 по 07.2007 (4 месяца)
Newspaper of Donetsk Regional Council and Regional State Administration "Life" (political newspaper) (Media)

Finding information events (monitoring of mass media, company publications, visiting the press conferences and other events) for writing news and analysis. Writing articles. Interviewing and preparation of interview for publication (including by phone). Photographic survey and editing photos for publication.


European University

Finance, Donetsk
Высшее, с 2002 по 2007 (4 года 11 месяцев)

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

Professional networking skill

2012, 2 days

Business etiquette

2010, 2 days

Course "Phenotypology: rapid person’s character diagnostics according to the features of his face ”

2014, 5 days

Inter TV Chanel school, course " Comme il faut"

2010, 2 month

Legal Pro (A program for the development and scaling of the legal business)

2015, 3 month

European School of Coaching

2015, 3 month

Знания и навыки

  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • MS Office
  • Пользователь Internet
  • Internet User
  • MS PowerPoint
  • 1C
  • Користувач Internet
  • Email
  • MS Outlook
  • Internet Explorer
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • MS Access
  • Outlook Express
  • CRM
  • Знание офисных программ
  • Битрикс24
  • Знання офісних програм
  • Бітрікс24
  • MacOS
  • Adobe
  • Terrasoft CRM
  • Cliniccards
  • Express
  • Умение водить автомобиль (водительские права категории В)
  • Photographic Abilities
  • Driving license group B
  • Вміння керувати автомобілем (прави водія категорії В)

Знание языков

  • Русский — свободно
  • Украинский — свободно
  • Английский — средний

Дополнительная информация

Personal skills and qualifications:

- Communication skills;
- interpersonal skills, commitment;
- strong management skills, diplomacy;
- organizational skills;
- active life position;
- initiative, competent speech;
- ready to help others;
- a desire to develop and cultivate;
- creative thinking;
- have a high capacity for work;
- high degree of responsibility;
- know how to respond quickly in a crisis;
- non-stress-sensitive;
- the ability to critically assess the situation.

I've got the skills to work with several problems simultaneously, work as a team and individually. I'm creative, imaginative and possess leadership qualities.
Excellent organizational skills, possess good judgment and objectivity of thought. Disciplined, diligent and responsible.

My international passport is available. Ready for business trips.
Driving license - group B.
Hobbies: sports, nutrition, cooking (healthy food), travel, art, painting, hand-made, fashion, photography, theatre, cinema.

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