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Резюме от 27 июля 2023 PRO


Sales Manager, 40 000 грн

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
44 года
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Винница, Удаленно

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон, эл. почту и адрес.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Опыт работы

Sales Representative ,Vinnytsia

с 10.2010 по наст. время (13 лет 8 месяцев)
Dolphi Ukraine, Вінниця (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

Position: Sales Representative ,Vinnytsia
Products: health products –condoms(TM Dolphi ),tests(TM Home Test),syringes and systems(MP),medtextile (Tehnomedica),blood glucose monitoring systems (TM Bionime),blood pressure meters(TM Rossmax)
Duties: Introduce interests and products in region ,work with pharmacies and markets ,conclude agreements ,coordinate orders and payments ,merchandise ,make presentations.90% of time spend in «field».Maintain close contact with existing customers and search for potential clients .For 3.5 years on my territory sales increased in 10 times.

Territorial Sales Manager (the Vinnytsia Region)

с 05.2008 по 11.2009 (1 год 6 месяцев)
Premiere Plus, Вінниця (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

Position: Territorial Sales Manager (the Vinnytsia Region)
Products: means(remedy) for oral care-toothpaste(TM President ,Silver Care, Youtuel), mouthwashes, dental flosses, tooth-brushes ,mouth sprays ,whitening systems.
Duties: Searched for new customers-pharmacies and dentists ,presented the products ,participated in specialized exhibitions in Kiev ,concluded agreements ,coordinated the orders and payments, merchandised ,delivered to the clients ,expanded the customer base in several times.

Regional Sales Manager (Western Ukraine-5 regions)

с 09.2007 по 04.2008 (7 месяцев)
Borodiy L.L, Вінниця (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

Position: Regional Sales Manager (Western Ukraine-5 regions)
Products : household chemical goods ,detergents, goods for personal hegiene(TM Eurostandart ,Viper, Carene)
Duties: Searching distributors in western Ukraine, concluded agreements, coordinated orders and payments, delivered goods to customers .Developed marketing activities and took control of its realization.

Sales Representative ,Vinnytsia (focus team)

с 10.2006 по 09.2007 (11 месяцев)
Business Programs, Вінниця (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

Position: Sales Representative ,Vinnytsia (focus team)
Products: household chemical goods ,detergents ,goods for personal hygiene (TM Tema ,Teo Bebe ,Semana ,Krot ,ExoSavex)
Duties: worked with VIP clients (supermarkets, wholesales and markets), concluded agreements , coordinated orders and payments ,merchandised ,made a wider variety of goods available.


Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University of.M.Kotsyubinskogo

Faculty of Foreign Languages, Teacher of English and foreign literature, Vinnytsia
Высшее, с 1998 по 2003 (4 года 9 месяцев)

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

Effective systems


Знания и навыки

MS Excel MS Word MS Office Email Користувач 1С Користувач Бітрікс24 Користувач Internet Активний продаж Комунікабельність Робота із запереченнями Уважність Продаж медичних товарів Гуртовий продаж Ведення переговорів Відкритість Відповідальність Користувач ОС Windows Водійські права кат. B Керування транспортними засобами Англійска мова B1 Неконфліктність

Знание языков

  • Украинский — выше среднего
  • Английский — средний
  • Русский — продвинутый

Дополнительная информация

Experience in sales, at the moment in the pharmaceutical market of non-medicinal products, more than 10 years and recently also of medicinal products. Negotiation skills at a high level. Building long-term, mutually beneficial and friendly relations with clients. . Tactical thinking, have a good intuition. Mentally balanced, calm, with a good sense of humor.
Open to interesting projects and proposals, with the possibility of self-realization and manifestation of one's best and perhaps not yet discovered qualities, not necessarily in the farm direction. It would not be bad with the constant use of English, with the possibility of additional training, there was no practice for a long time.

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