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Резюме от 23 августа 2016


DevOps / Linux Manager

Полная занятость.
50 лет

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

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Опыт работы

DevOPS Engineer

с 11.2013 по наст. время (10 лет 7 месяцев)
Gamingtec, Киев (online gambling)

Covering responsibility: DevOps Engineer, CTO, Head of local office, Project manager, Team lead.
Elaboration of product's architecture and design;
Built internal and external infrastructure:
virtualization: VMshare, XEN, AWS;
Nginx: Proxy and WEB ( + php-fpm) setup and configuration;
Installation and Configuration: Apache, MySQL, MSSQL;
DNS service: Cloudflare;
Corporate Google account administration;
JIRA management;
Built Continuous Integration process (Jenxins, Ansible, Docker, SonarQube, Selenium, Git, Jira); Applications and servers Monitoring: Zabbix, Monitis;
Built Backup, Recovery and Fail-Over systems;
System Security;
Writing Technical Documents;
Prepared the documents for licensing and participated in the process;
Personal management;
24/7 support.

Product Operation Specialist

с 08.2013 по 09.2015 (2 года 1 месяц)
Playtech, Киев (Online gambling)

product configuration and deployment (Puppet, Jenkins);
product architecture improvement;
Linux packaging (DEB, RPM);
documents writing;
new product release publishing (write ICR, release notes);
system tuning, describe new requirements;
bug searching;
dense work with developers and customers;
knowledge transfer within the Team;
task management (HP Service Desk, JIRA);
Jenkins configuration management;
automation scripts development (Shell, PHP, Ruby);
searching and formalization defects;
JAVA debugging troubleshooting;
supporting JIRA system;
OnCall support 24/7

System Manager

с 09.2011 по 08.2013 (1 год 11 месяцев)
StrikeAd, Киев (System Manager)

- Development company's Infrastructure from 5 to over 120 different servers;
- Budgeting of IT;
- Planning;
- Recruitment of team;
- Training and education of staff;
- Create documentation;
- Search and purchase of equipment;
- Deployment of products and process automation;
- Security systems;
- Cluster management;
- Monitoring of servers and services;
- Planning and goal setting. Performance control;
- Formation and reporting guidelines;
- Financial responsibility, control and cost accounting;


с 08.2006 по 08.2011 (5 лет)
InLan Ltd. (Telecommunications and networking)

- Determination of the policy and strategy of the company;
- Recruitment and training of staff;
- Analysis of the market;
- Operational analysis of business enterprise;
- The negotiation and conclusion of contracts;
- Contacts with regulatory and inspection department;
- Relations to customers;.
- Development of network topologies;
- Administration of servers and key network's nodes;
- Development, implementation and support of bilinguals;
- Creation and support of WEB-site of the company;
- Reporting to the parent company.


Vinnitsa's State Technical University

Engineer - electronics, designer - process engineer, Engineer, Vinnitsa
Высшее, с 1991 по 1996 (4 года 9 месяцев)

Знания и навыки

MySQL nginx Windows Jenkins Apache HTTP Server PHP PostgreSQL GitHub Jira iptables Operating systems Postfix Squid Internet User ipfw Shell Sendmail Technical support Advertising Amazon ClamAV Configuration CRM Design SpamAssassin SQLite SugarCRM Wikipedia

Знание языков

  • Английский — средний
  • Немецкий — начинающий
  • Русский — свободно
  • Украинский — свободно

Дополнительная информация

Professional knowledge of the Unix-like OS (FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSuse);
Knowledge of the administration of all Windows OS;
Install and configure servers of different configurations;
Diagnostics and maintenance. Installation of various applications;
Ipfw, iptables:
Apache, Yaws, Nginx web server;
PHP, C + +, JavaScripts, shell scripts
PostgreSQL, MySql, SQLite:
QMAIL, Sendmail, Postfix;
SpamAssassin, Clamav;
SQUID, SquidGuard;
Monitoring networks and servers;
Configuration and support:
Jira Atlassian;
Sugar CRM;
Media WIKI;
Managing Amazon Cloud;
Network design (topology, protocols);
Installation, configuration and maintenance of various network equipment;
Experience in mobile advertising;

Hobbies and interests:
IT Technologies (news, development, prospects)

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