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Резюме от 7 февраля 2014


С#, Android, Java-разработчик, 8 000 грн

Полная занятость.
33 года
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Кременчуг, Удаленно

Контактная информация

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Дополнительная информация

Alexander Dashko
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Software Engineer

A 266 Evergreen Drive, Port Moody, V3H1S2

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
12 Khalamenyuka st, Kremenchuck, Poltava, 39600

Summary of Skills

• Over 1.5 years of experience in C# development.
Over 3 years of experience in ActionScript development.
Programming experience with Java.
Programming experience with VB, Delphi.
• Understanding of data preprocessing and database experience using MySQL, SQL-Server.
Practical experience with android development through creation of android applications for university projects.
• Reasonable understanding of data structure and algorithm.
• Familiar with JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, PHPmyAdmin through implementation of web applications.
• IDEs: Eclipse, Visual Studio, Flash, Unity3d, 3ds Max, ZBrush, Photoshop.

Excellent analytic skill gained as a result of working on many complex projects.
Worked well independently or as part of a team in previous workplaces and university’s tasks.
Reliable and hard-working individual, with the ability to understand and follow specific procedures.
Able to speak Russian, Ukrainian and English.
Project Experience

Metal-analyzer Introduction to Software Engineering, KNU
Oct 2009 - Jan 2010
Developed an application to detect and sort a metal using its microphoto. Delphi.
Math-Html (Visual Basic) Converter Introduction to Software Engineering, KNU
Dec 2010 - Apr 2011
Implemented an application to convert *.doc files with mathematical expressions to html code for fast and comfortable placing to websites.
Ping Pong (Eclipse) Special Programming Languages, KNU
Dec 2010 - Apr 2011
Developed a videogame for Android OS using Java and ADT plugin Eclipse.
Snake (NetBeans) Web Technologies, KNU
Sep 2011 - Dec 2011
Developed a videogame as a Java-applet.
The Maze (Flash Builder, Flash) Bachelor Graduation Project , KNU
Feb 2012 - Jun 2012
Developed a videogame “The Maze” – third-person shooter.
Generated UML diagram to design classes and their relationships.
Developed the level editor for the videogame.
Designed the app to have a visual GUI for better user experience.
Used version control SVN to commit works and integrate the application.
Game designer. Project manager.
The Maze 3d (Unity3d) Thesis Project , KNU
Dec 2012 - May 2013
Built a dynamic videogame “The Maze 3d” – third-person cooperative shooter with elements of puzzles.

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Alexander Dashko
A 266 Evergreen Drive, Port Moody, V3H1S2

Project Experience

The Maze 3d (Unity3d) Thesis Project , KNU
Dec 2012 - May 2013
Created UML diagram to design classes and relation between components.
Designed and implemented a visual graphic user interface.
Used version control SVN to commit works and integrate the application.
Tested its robustness by having students use it and applied their feedback to improve the app
Project manager. Game Designer. Gameplay developer.
Work Experience
Service center for repair computer equipment EkoSan. Kremenchuk, Ukraine.
Master’s degree of Engineering in Information Technology at Kremenchuk National University (KNU), Kremenchuk, Ukraine.

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