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Резюме от 26 февраля 2023 PRO


UI/UX designer

Полная занятость.
34 года
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Николаев, Удаленно

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон , эл. почту и LinkedIn.

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Опыт работы

UI/UX Designer

с 06.2022 по наст. время (2 года)
Artureanec, Дистанційно (IT)

Personal contribution:
Creating a unique design for template sites. Development of
UX\UI design for 5+ of Home pages variants, and 30+ of internal
pages, for each project. Participated in the development of
design solutions for projects related to:
Cargo delivery;
Marketplaces, including NFT and Crypto markets;
Charity theme;
Private airlines;
Corporate Agencys;
Donations for Ukraine;
Education for childrens.

UI/UX Designer

с 05.2019 по 01.2022 (2 года 8 месяцев)
WEZOM, Николаев (IT)

Company activities:
Development, packaging and systemic promotion of online
stores, corporate sites, portals, web services.

Personal contribution:
Development of a unique design for websites and mobile
applications based on the provided Brief and Terms of
Reference. Creating a visual identity design for new and existing
brands. Development of hypotheses and creation of
prototypes. UX design development. Full work with UI sites.
Participated in projects related to Internet shops:
Corporate sites;
B2B portals;
Booking portals;
Personal areas;
Individual web solutions;
Insurance portals;
WEB services;
WEB applications.

Personally involved in the creation and support of visual
solutions for more than 50 projects.

WEB Designer

с 02.2017 по 03.2019 (2 года 1 месяц)
FILANCY Marketing, Николаев (IT)

Company activities:
Development of web applications and sites of any complexity.

Personal contribution:
Creation of the visual style of websites based on this Brief and
Terms of Reference. Partial work with UX design. Full
development of individual visual design. Creation of creative
images and banners for the marketing department. I have been
personally involved in the successful creation of designs for
over 30 projects.

Web designer

с 06.2016 по 08.2016 (2 месяца)
Sugar Theme, Николаев (Николаевская обл.) (IT)

Company activities:
Creation of template websites for Themeforest on Envato

Personal contribution:
Creation of unique style for template websites.

Web designer

с 04.2016 по 01.2017 (9 месяцев)
Puffery, Удаленная работа г. Киев (Дизайн)

Company activities:
Trading service is an advertising platform for Sellers and Buyers
from CIS countries.

Personal contribution:
Personal contribution: Creation of advertising content on the
main page of the website, creation of landing pages for new
offers of the company, creation of design for printed products.


Компьютерная Академия ШАГ

Разработка WEB - приложений, Николаев (Николаевская обл.)
Неоконченное высшее, с 2015 по 2016 (1 год)

- Редактор растровой графики Adobe Photoshop;
- Композиция, колористика, стили в WEB-дизайне;
- Эргономика WEB-сайтов;
- Рисование WEB-сайтов в Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator;

Общие знания:
- Верстка WEB-страницы с использованием технологий HTML5/CCS3 + JavaScript;
- Размещать сайт в интернете;
- Выполнять базовую настройку WEB-сервера для работы сайта;
- Заниматься WEB-разработкой на PHP/MySQL;
- Заниматься доработкой WEB-проектов на PHP/MySQL;
- Программирование с использованием языка программирования Java Script и библиотеки jQuery.

Знания и навыки

CSS HTML Internet User Graphic design Web design Prototyping Graphic editors Design Illustration Wireframe Typography Adaptive layout Composition Responsive design iOS Mobile design Motion design UI Creativity Android BASIC Attentiveness Personas Motion UI/UX Designer over 6 year.

Знание языков

Английский — выше среднего

Дополнительная информация

- Figma (Team libraries, auto layout, components properties,branches)
- Adobe CC (Excellent level of proficiency in Adobe
Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator)
- Adobe After Effects (Confident level)
- Adobe XD (Experience Design)
- Axure
- WebFlow
- nVision/Marvell
- Office 365
- G Suite, Trello, Jira, Google Analytics, Hot Jar

Portfolio link: https://www.behance.net/lozovskyi

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