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Резюме от 31 июля 2016


Unity3D developer

Полная занятость.
29 лет

Контактная информация

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Дополнительная информация

Bondar Maksim Konstantinovich

1.Personal information:
Age: 21
Location: Ukraine, Kharkov
Home address: Tankopiya street 26B ap. 10
E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

2. Desirable position: Unity3D C# developer

3. Education
2011-2015 Kharkiv of technical school radio technic
Speciality: Junior engineer-programmer
2015-….. Kharkiv education-scientific institute of the Banking University
Speciality: Computer science

4. Skills:
• C#
• .Net framework
• Unity3D
• Entity framework
• Cinema4D
• Adobe Photoshop
• Corel Draw

5. Work experience:
Jump circle, jump (Unity3D)
Simple game for android devices. Main mechanics borrowed from one old game – Ice climber. I optimized this game for touch screen and did full redesign in minimalist style. Game developed in Unity3D and contains 2 plugins: Appodeal, Google play services.

Catch me (Unity3D)
Draw the lines and do not let the circle escape from the screen. Compete with your friends, be the first in the leaderboard. Diversify your game with new skins for the ball from our shop.

Timetable maker (.Net winforms)
Program for automation of making timetable. It program for ease hard work of education department from my institute.

Angry fruits (Unity3D)
Angry fruits – this is template for creating game like Angry Birds. Asset includes a level maker with help it you can easily create levels different difficulty. Also asset includes game launcher, which allows you to open earlier created levels. Game launcher you can build on PC, WebGL and mobile (IOS, Android and WP).
https://www.dropbox.com/s/k74thlcpgxg7bpm/Angry%20fruits.apk?dl=0 (Android sample)
http://googledrive.com/host/0B9eTog3wyN1Idm1TSHVmaTYtMGc (WebGL sample)

In game shop system
This script system can help you create nice shop in you IOS, Android and PC games. Asset contains scrip for the organization shop and filling shop panels. Main shop script has custom inspector

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