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Chief, Senior Accountant, 25 000 грн

Полная занятость.
42 года

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Дополнительная информация


07.2015 – until now – Miratech LLC (IТ services)
Deputy Accountant
• preparing and submitting VAT declaration (conditional sale, export of services, tax credit allocation);
• preparing and submitting profit tax declaration;
• preparing and submitting 1-DF report;
• running payroll calculations, preparing and submitting Unified Social Tax report (disabled people, civil right agreements, secondary job employees);
• preparing and submitting statistical reports (F1, F2, 1PV, 10 ZEZ, 9 ZEZ, 2 Investments);
• settling Client Bank payments and preparing 1C statements;
• supporting foreign profit sale transactions (requests on distribution, sale of foreign exchanges);
• preparing primary documents (expenditure invoices, completion of work, tax invoices);
• accounting for PP&E, intangible assets, consumable supplies (setting in operation, accounting for amortization, accepting/transferring PP&E, disposal of PP&E).
• entering primary information into 1С (expenditure invoices, completion of work, tax invoices);
• preparing and supporting overdraft agreements and bank guarantees;
• monitoring tender documentation prepared by the department;
• planning and monitoring expenditures and profit (controlling transfer pricing, profitability of projects, tax profit optimization, supporting expenditures);
• supporting tax inspections.

Managing 1 person.

05.2014 – 06.2015 – LLC “Teleradiostvit” (TV channel ТВi)
Chief Accountant
• managing and performing accounting and tax accounting as according to the accounting standards of the company and legal legislation of Ukraine (general taxation system);
• working with 1:C 8.2; controlling work flow;
• executing accounting control and tax accounts; controlling personnel records;
• cooperating with banks and other controlling bodies;
• monitoring active legislation;
• executing payrolls and calculating respective taxes (main office, subcontractors, invalids, hospital payments, and vacations)
• dealing with media barter;
• revising debtors and creditors.

Managing 1 person.

01.2011 –04.2014 – LLC “Ashton Solutions”
Chief Accountant (one only)
• calculating payments on operative and financial leasing;
• controlling timely leasing payments;
• executing payrolls and calculating respective taxes (HQ, subcontractors, invalids, hospital payments, and vacations)
• executing and providing reports to social insurance office, tax service, and statistics;
• dealing with banks (executing schedule for payments, controlling accuracy and timely calculation and payment of interests as well as the principal of long-term and short-term loans);
• dealing with the company pay office (cash – giving out, drawing, accounting);
• preparing tax and expenditure invoice;
• preparing expense reports;
• accounting for PP&E.

07.2008 – 01.2011 – LLC “First Western Ukraine Leasing Company”
Deputy Chief Accountant
• calculating payments on operative and financial leasing
• controlling timely leasing payments;
• executing payrolls and calculating respective taxes (main office, subcontractors, invalids, hospital payments, and vacations);
• executing and providing reports to social insurance office, tax service, and statistics;
• dealing with banks (executing schedule for payments, controlling accuracy and timely calculation and payment of interests as well as the principal of long-term and short-term loans);
• dealing with the company pay office (cash – giving out, drawing, accounting);
• preparing tax and expenditure invoice;
• preparing expense reports;
• accounting for PP&E.

05.2008-06.2008 – “Bogdan” Corporation
• preparing primary documentation (accounts, expense reports, tax invoices, reports of completion on subcontracts and other agreements);
• executing payments in the client-bank system;
• revising debtors and creditors;
• controlling expenditures, analyzing plan/actual;
• managing, controlling, and optimizing financial flows;
• analyzing cash flow, preparing reports on profit and expenditure.

08.2007 – 04.2008 - LLC “Global Magazines”
Chief Accountant

• controlling and planning financial activity;
• analyzing economic activity;
• managing, controlling and optimizing cash flow;
• managing Account Department;
• making up self-costs, price formation;
• internal auditing, budgeting;
• cost control, analyzing plan/actual;
• composing and managing budget;
• making up economical efficiency of project offers;
• business planning;
• analyzing current assets;
• Experience in dealing with banks (credits, guarantees, overdrafts);

Managing staff of 5 people:
- work audit;
- career planning;
- corporate culture.
Familiarized with the market of banking facilities.

07.2004 - 08.2007 LLC “AF “Inter-Kontinent”
Accountant and Auditor (wholesale)


2000-2005 – Kiev National Commercial and Economic University, Account and Audit Faculty

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