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Резюме от 29 апреля 2017


Учитель английского языка в Китай, 40 000 грн

Полная занятость.
60 лет

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

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Дополнительная информация

Ukraine, Kharkiv
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Objectives: - to secure an English teacher for adult and children using all my abilities and skills;
looking for a job connected with my communication abilities;
I`d like to get a job in organization that offer me growth opportunities and employee friendly environment;

Date of birth: 09.06.1964
Nationality: Ukrainian
Civil status: married
Education: - Kharkiv Medical College – 1979- 1983; ( the sanitary doctor`s assistance )
Kharkiv National University – 1983-1989; ( the teacher of biology and chemistry );
Chernigiv regional institute for post- graduate students ( 1996 – 1999 ); ( English teacher );
Languages: Ukrainian ( native), Russian, English
Professional experience: - 1983-1995 work in sanitary- epidemiological station as the sanitary doctor`s assistant and laboratory doctor
1995-2017 as English teacher :
1. 1995-2001 Chernigiv district primary school
2. 2001-2003 Kharkiv district secondary school
3. 2003-2017 Kharkiv medical college
4. 2001–2016 Kharkiv regional kinder-garden “ Barvinok” ( part- time job )

Certification: Ukraine certificate of High Level Teacher
Activities: - develop and present comprehensive lessons plans, and medical active vocabulary with a focus on grammar and creat afterlessons activities ( literature parties, concerts, conferences);
take active part in development English programmes for Medical students;
administrative experience of English teacher stuff in Medical college.
develop student`s reading, speaking skills;
widen student`s outlook;
stimulate student`s interest in the culture of our country and abroad; ( arranging different trips around Europe);
took part in Ukrainian National Content “ Hellow English” 2016 for beginners learners (using experience in the kinder-garden) ;
enrich the student`s vision making excursion to different museums, art- galleries, exhibitions and theatres;
organize student`s rest in different Ukrainian summer camps;
administrative experience of English teacher stuff in Medical college.

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