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Резюме от 15 мая 2007

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Interpreter or other vacancy related to English language

Полная занятость.
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Донецк, Киев, Одесса, Удаленно

Контактная информация

Соискатель скрыл свои личные данные, но вы сможете отправить ему сообщение или предложить вакансию, если откроете контакты.

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Дополнительная информация

Curriculum Vitae

Full name: Inna Yuriyevna Kovrova

Date of birth: 17.01.1984

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, 84629 Gorlovka, Olenina Street 20, flat 57.

Telephone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Cellular phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Objective: Interpreter or any other vacancy related to English language

Aim: I am eager to get job in Company in consequence of the following reasons:

1.To contribute to Company.
2.To improve qualification and professional skills.
3.To be of benefit for society and country.
4.To master language and get a good command of the language.

Education: High education.
Teacher of English and German languages and foreign literature.
In 2001 I entered the Institute for Foreign languages in Gorlovka, Ukraine.
During the first academic year I took part in conference at History and Literature- representation of my own poetry in Russian language.
During the second academic year I took part in conference at English Grammar with report.
Besides, I was involved in sport activities – karate 1998-2002 and took part in local, regional competitions and championship of Ukraine and became a silver medalist.
During the third and fourth academic years I had pedagogical practice at school as a teacher of English and German languages, working with children from 7, 8, 9 and 11 forms. Besides, I had been working for 2 months in summer camp – Children guide in Mariupol.
After the 4th grade of Institute I got the job at the biggest chemical enterprise of Ukraine – Concern Stirol, Gorlovka. I took up a post of Engineer-Translator in the field of inorganic chemistry. At the same time I was working and studying at Institute. I graduated Institute for Foreign Languages on the 29th of June, 2006.

Work experience:
On the 13th of February, 2006 I began to work at the biggest chemical enterprise of Ukraine- Concern Stirol and took up a post of Engineer-Translator in the field of inorganic chemistry. Within my duties was correspondence by e-mail with foreign Companies, translation of technical documentation, work with foreign specialists at enterprise workshops, conduct of negotiations.
During the work at Stirol I took part in the following projects: CO2 Removal Section Revamping (commissioning), UREA CASALE Company, Switzerland; Commissioning, start up of the plant of Pentaphthalic Lacquer production and guarantee tests performance (during 1 year with Atilim Makina, Polisan, Isievi Companies, Turkey, Istanbul); Commissioning, start up and guarantee tests conduct of packaging machine for ammonium nitrate (Technipes Company, Italy); Modernization of urea plant CO2 stripping (UREA CASALE Company, Switzerland); MDF production – negotiations conduct (METSO, Sweden); Creation of polyamide production - negotiations conduct (ZIMMER Company, Germany).
In summer, 2007 I am going to enter the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute to Management Department in order to get the second high education of Manager.
Just now I continue to work at Stirol, but after 2 months Department of inorganic chemistry will be closed, that is why I am looking for job.

Special skills:

English: fluent
German: average by means of dictionaries
Russian: fluent
Ukrainian: fluent
Turkish: began to study

Computer level:
Windows, Excel, Word, Internet, Outlook Express.

I am prepared to be as mobile as necessary to contribute to the efficiency and profitability
of the Company.

References: Available upon request.

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