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Document controller

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
43 года

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Опыт работы

Document Controller

с 04.2016 по наст. время (8 лет 5 месяцев)
Hatch Growing, Мельбурн (Консалтинг, бухгалтерія, аудит)

Document Controller

с 01.2013 по 12.2015 (2 года 11 месяцев)
Lukoil Overseas Ltd/Capital Construction, Басра (Гірнича промисловість)

•Acted on 2 projects based in Dubai-Seoul-Basra.
•Controlled and monitored all technical databases; providing technical project evaluations.
•Monitored data bases of vendor prints and spare parts documents.
•Supervised reports (non-conformance, observation, HSE incidents, HSE walk-down, daily/weekly/monthly and procurement).
•Checked and distributed technical transmittals and correspondence issued by contractors based on the distribution matrix; maintained the correspondence register within the access database.
•Downloaded technical documents and correspondence from EDMS & FDV.
•Sent reports on a weekly basis to QA/QC managers & project managers.
•Implemented new data systems - IDMS.
•Created, deploying and maintained the engineering/construction documentation lifecycle for contractors throughout EPC phase of the project. Ensured contractual/procedural requirements are met.

Project Manager Assistant

с 01.2012 по 01.2013 (1 год)
FE Intetics, IT-Company, Харків (IT)

•Completed the weekly projects scorecard reports.
•Reported monthly on the call centre work (invoice).
•Reported daily on the OPC Downtime/Idle Time Notification.
•Personally informed all GIS team about bonuses by email.
•Participated in the team’s life, discussing difficult or important questions with the Project Manager.
•Assisted with handing specific tasks to team members.
•Prepared/collected information on GIS staff individual progress for certification.
•Coordinated project materials and research; generated schedules and reports; managed minutes from meetings.
•Updated project information and scheduling.
•Handled scheduling for project material.
•Maintained the client list; retained purchase order and invoices for project materials.
•Created and maintained document electronic library with scanned incoming / outgoing correspondence.
•Maintained an incoming/outgoing log of all correspondence.
•Checked the issuance of outgoing letters, minutes of the meeting, facsimile transmissions and internal memorandums.

Document Controller / Site Administrator/Translator

с 08.2011 по 11.2011 (3 месяца)
Merit Consultants Inc, Canada, Чукотка (Гірнича промисловість)

•Acted as a translator for the project.
•Created a document control filing system by organising, labelling, indexing, archiving and updating contract package documents, letters and transmittals.
•Responsible for incoming and outgoing correspondence, site instructions, change orders, work instruction requests, contracts and other forms of pertinent documents from the client and Contractors.
•Logged all incoming and outgoing correspondence, drawings, specifications, etc. for easy tracking and future references.
•Exported and imported necessary documents on to a merit server.
•Transmitted executed change orders to contractors, letters to client, site instructions, site bulletins and other publications to numerous contractors in the project.
•Distributed approved documents (both in electronic and hard copies) to relevant recipients for immediate action, including the head office in Vancouver.
•Coordinated with the team on site filing and documentation of site communication with owners, contractors and vendors. Ensured that HO obtains copies of above, documentation of site contractors, safety training, workers’ compensation and insurance.
•Received contractor billings and invoices on site.
•Performed the administration of onsite vehicles, turnouts, insurance and claims (if required).
•Responsible for diary management for meetings and conferences for the team.

Project Manager Assistant

с 05.2010 по 08.2011 (1 год 3 месяца)
FE Intetics, IT-Company, Харків (IT)

•Completed the weekly projects scorecard reports.
•Reported monthly on the call centre work (invoice).
•Reported daily on the OPC Downtime/Idle Time Notification.
•Personally informed all GIS team about bonuses by email.
•Participated in the team’s life, discussing difficult or important questions with the Project Manager.
•Assisted with handing specific tasks to team members.
•Prepared/collected information on GIS staff individual progress for certification.
•Coordinated project materials and research; generated schedules and reports; managed minutes from meetings.
•Updated project information and scheduling.
•Handled scheduling for project material.
•Maintained the client list; retained purchase order and invoices for project materials.
•Created and maintained document electronic library with scanned incoming / outgoing correspondence.
•Maintained an incoming/outgoing log of all correspondence.
•Checked the issuance of outgoing letters, minutes of the meeting, facsimile transmissions and internal memorandums.

Document Controller

с 08.2008 по 03.2010 (1 год 7 месяцев)
LLC Worley Parsons, Кременчук (Гірнича промисловість)

Document Controller/Translator

с 12.2005 по 04.2008 (2 года 4 месяца)
TechnoCom Ltd (зараз Нестле), Харків (Харчова промисловість)


Харківський національний університет ім Каразіна

Геологія нафти та газу, Харків
Высшее, с 2013 по 2016 (2 года 9 месяцев)

Харківський національний університет ім Каразіна

Іноземні мови та література, Харків
Высшее, с 1998 по 2003 (4 года 9 месяцев)

Знания и навыки

  • MS Excel
  • Gmail
  • Google
  • Google Calendar
  • MS Outlook
  • MS PowerPoint
  • SharePoint
  • MS Word

Знание языков

  • Английский — продвинутый
  • Украинский — свободно
  • Португальский — начинающий

Дополнительная информация

Key Skills
Industry – Extensive experience in: project control, budgetary control; change management; stakeholder management; vendor management; staff management; conflict & risk issues; business-critical projects; operations; business support.
Project Management - Continually adopts a dynamic approach, has directed a wide variety of crucial projects, incorporating skills amassed from previous tasks and applies varied project management methodologies and techniques to ensure targets and client demands are achieved. Manages the full project lifecycle and handles budgets.
Communication – A highly articulate and effective communicator with experience of delivering information to customers, colleagues and third parties. Is skilled in conveying technical and industry information to a non- technical audience. A proficient negotiator.
Analysing/Quantifying Risk – Natural ability for analysing information, patterns and trends as well as foreseeing any potential problems. Trained in the use of different database resources; has evidenced success in providing innovative solutions to credit problems.
Attention to Detail/Reporting – Applies meticulous attention to detail and has exceptional analytical skills.
Partnership Working – Can successfully work well as part of a team in order to achieve common goals. Is naturally a people person, and can work well in collaboration with others. Is experienced in conveying in-depth and detailed banking information to third parties; displays specialist skills in broaching issues of a sensitive nature in relation to the arranging of agreements and re-paying debts.

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