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Резюме от 15 мая 2024 PRO


.Net developer, 120 000 грн

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
24 года

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Опыт работы

C#/.Net Developer

с 01.2024 по наст. время (5 месяцев)
Langate Software, Дистанційно (IT)

Developing and supporting the system for the management of information about patients and business processes of nursing homes in the USA. The system consists of many Windows services, API projects, and a WinForms project as front-end.
Migrate the API project to the latest version of WebApi;
Implemented solution for AutoMapper using Unit container which made it possible to get rid of copy-paste and at the same time use different configurations of mappings in different projects;
Optimized many DB queries, which reduced search time and resources;

C#/.Net Developer

с 01.2020 по 01.2024 (4 года)
Extracode, Київ (IT)

Development of electricity metering, transmission, and distribution system, which consists of many WCF services with a layered architecture, API projects, consumer's online cabinet in ASP.NET, and WinForms projects.
Designed and developed a handy solution for working with acts in violation of the rules of the electricity market;
Designed, and managed the development of functionality for requests from electricity suppliers for disconnection or connection of consumers (created and estimated tasks for the team and managed all development processes);
Developed a large part of the financial module (work with invoices, payments, corrections, tariffs, etc.);
Developed a big part of the API project from scratch for the interaction of the consumer's online cabinet with the main services of the system;
Developed a big part of the new consumer's online cabinet from scratch.

Junior C#/.Net Developer

с 07.2019 по 01.2020 (6 месяцев)
Delta M Group, Київ (IT)

Developing and supporting the telephony project, which is used in call centers to make calls, send SMS, and process incoming calls from a large number of customers.
Implemented functionality with Google Text-to-Speech API that reduces the use of money by customers;
Stabilized the project by solving the main bugs and problems;
Successfully merged chat-bot project with telephony project;

Teacher of programming

с 12.2018 по 01.2020 (1 год 1 месяц)
Algoritmika, Киев (Освіта, наука)



Information tehnologies, Киев
Неоконченное высшее, с 2016 по 2020 (3 года 10 месяцев)

Дополнительная информация

Software Engineer with almost 5 years of experience in developing desktop and web applications.
All my life I have dreamed to be the part of those people who invest new technologies in our life, make it simpler and better. It has become the reason why I have decided to become a programmer.
I have been interested in programming for more than seven years. There is a great desire to learn new technologies and deepen in this sphere more and more. Besides programming, I am fond of playing the guitar, playing board games, and reading popular scientific literature. I can find easily common language with most people, I am easily taught and I am not afraid of making mistakes.

Programming Languages: C#
Technologies: .Net, ASP.NET Core, WebApi, WinForms, WPF, WCF, NHibernate, Entity Framework, Dapper
Web: HTML, CSS, jQuery
Development Tools: Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, SQL Server Management Studio
Operating System: Windows
Other: Azure DevOps, Git, TFS, MVC, MVVM, LINQ, Razor, Moq, RabbitMQ, Redis, MongoDB, FluentValidation, AutoMapper.

Master's degree
Institution: Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;
Date(s) Attended: 2020 – 2022;
Qualification(s): Faculty of Automation and Information Technologies; Specialty: Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications

Bachelor's degree
Institution: Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;
Date(s) Attended: 2016 – 2020;
Qualification(s): Faculty of Automation and Information Technologies; Specialty: Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications

English - Intermediate - Upper-Intermediate
Ukrainian - Native speaker

Working on an ASP.NET Core project that shows weather forecasts using
WebApi - https://github.com/Expl75/WeatherForecast

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