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IOS developer, 150 000 грн

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
27 лет
Город проживания:
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Опыт работы

Senior IOS Developer

с 03.2021 по 12.2023 (2 года 9 месяцев)

• Responsible for every step of application development lifecycle - project, implementation, deployment and maintenance.
• Refactored old architecture
• Mentoring
• Building a Team Process
• Creation of new ideas and implementation
• All applications in the utility group
• Used: MVP -> MVVM, Firebase, RealmSwift, CoreDate, Twillio, VOIP, Analytic, StoreKit, Photos, Combine

IOS Developer

с 09.2019 по 05.2021 (1 год 8 месяцев)
Oxygen Soft, Харків (IT)

• Responsible for every step of application development lifecycle - project, implementation, deployment and maintenance.
• Health apps, air cleaner control applications, alling app, navigation app(with beacon)
• Used: MVVM, RxSwift, CoreDate, Socket, CoreBluetooth, Firebase, Twilio, VOIP, Node.js, MapKit

IOS Developer

с 12.2018 по 09.2019 (9 месяцев)
IdeaSoft, Харків (IT)

• Addressed and Yxed complex bugs.
• Implemented and updated application modules under the direction of Senior
Software Developers.
• Worked at an independent level, while also serving as an effective and
enthusiastic collaborator.
• Performed automated testing tasks and developed complex features routinely.
• Used: MVC, MVP, RealmSwift, Moya

IOS Developer

с 04.2018 по 11.2018 (7 месяцев)
Freelance, Харків (IT)

Responsible for UI and API

Знания и навыки

  • Xcode
  • UIKit
  • Git
  • Знання принципів ООП
  • Знання принципів MVC
  • Core Data
  • JSON
  • CocoaPods
  • MVVM
  • GitHub
  • SwiftUI
  • Auto Layout
  • GCD
  • Figma
  • Firebase
  • Alamofire
  • Realm
  • A/B testing
  • Mentoring
  • RXSwift
  • Storekit
  • Twill
  • VOIP


Третья группа.

Дополнительная информация

I am an experienced iOS developer that worked both on MVP projects for startups as on large long-lived projects for big companies. During my career i've been working closely with Designers, QA's and Project Managers to deliver the best products possible for our clients.

2015 – 2019 Kharkov Polytechnic Institute Automated control of technological processes

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