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React Native Developer, 40 000 грн

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
38 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Днепр, Киев, Львов, Одесса, Удаленно

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал эл. почту.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Знания и навыки

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • React
  • PHP
  • Redux
  • Node.js
  • ECMAScript
  • Windows
  • SQL
  • JSON
  • Java
  • React Native
  • Internet User
  • XML
  • Android
  • Backend development
  • Socket.IO
  • UML
  • Shell
  • JSP
  • Retrofit
  • RxJava
  • Servlets

Дополнительная информация

Professional Experiences
Software Engineer (React Native)
Lionwood Software (Lviv, Ukraine), Nov 2019 – Feb 2020
 Frontend React Native development for Android & IOS
 Features used: react-native-maps. (animating Google map markers,
polylines show/hide on zoom changed, location & permissions
handling), Mobx, react-native-queue, Interactable
 Collaborate on team scale project with Gitlab, Git, Jira

React Native Mobile Application Developer
One Solution Limited (H.K.) , Sept 2018 – Sept 2019
 Frontend React Native development for Android & IOS
 1 published App on Google Play and App Store (Lions Clubs D303)
 Agile development. Continuously modify application as client proposes
Philip W.T. Chan new requirements and feedbacks
 Features used: QR scanning, Calendar (WIX), Redux, React-navigation,
multi-language, swipeable listviews, RNfirebase messaging &
Software Developer notification, remote image saving.

About me: Android Application Developer
Continuous Technologies Ltd. (H.K), Nov 2015 – May 2016
I had my degree in English and  Android application development with Java & Js (native & hybrid)
Education, worked as a classroom  Worked on a patient-doctor appointment system
teacher and soon switched to I.T. to  Features used: Google maps, Baidu Maps, map markers, Caldroid,
pursue my unfulfilled but keen MPAndroidcharts, RecyclerView, Volley, Retrofit, GCM Push, etc
interest in tech. I’m more of a
frontend developer and I’m going
cross-platform from native Android. I Laravel PHP Web Developer
like doing things to the best possible, Apptask Limited (H.K.), june 2015
always with a consideration in good  Extend existing web based CMS for teachers / administrators
code efficiency, reusability and UX.
I’m outspoken and I communicate in
fluent English (you can be the judge
after a phone call). I will point out
and listen to what needs to be Education History
addressed and improved, and I will
work with you on it Higher Diploma in Software Engineering 2013-2015
Vocational Training Council : Institute of Vocational Education (IVEMH, H.K.)
Bachelor of Arts, (Hons) Contemporary English Studies and
Skills: Education
 Lingnan University, The Hong Kong Institute of Education; Wollongong
Learn new things on wifi, perform University
what I just learned. Analyze
problems. Identify root causes of  English Teaching in HK secondary schools (~ 2 years)
errors, re-evaluate what is. Fallacies A-Level (Science Stream)
conscious. Getting the job done. Tsung Tsin College (H.K.) Science Stream: Chemistry, Biology, Physics
Mainly: React Native, Mobx >
Redux, Java (Android), PHP web
services, Javascript (ES6, RN),
Minorly: Jquery HTML, UML, JSP,
SQL, Shell Script, Servlet, Retrofit2, Spoken Languages
Volley, RxJava, a little bit of backend English (IELTS 7.5 , 2009), Chinese (Cantonese & Mandarin)
nodejs and socket.io
Awards During Studies
Scholarship from programming school (IVEMH) 2014
Contact: First in form: Use of English, Tsung Tsin College 2003
Second runner-up for HK International Arts Carnival graphic design 2003
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Skype: phil_nomenon First in form: Art and Design, Cert Level school 2002
LinkedIn: @philip-chan-042105102
Other Skills:
Portfolio: Photoshopping (hobby). Android phone rooting & ROM flashing
Traditional Chinese Input

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