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Резюме от 5 февраля 2024 PRO


Head of Representative Office

Полная занятость.
43 года

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Опыт работы

Head of the Representative Office

с 09.2015 по 01.2023 (7 лет 4 месяца)
NINGBO «MH INDUSTY» LTD, Kyiv (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

- Organization and supervision of enterprise activities
- Finance planning and development of enterprise budget.
- Planning and conducting strategic negotiations.
- Business team formation.
- Setting strategic tasks to the employees and supervision of task fulfillment.
- Marketing analysis of Ukrainian and EU markets.
- Foreign economic activity, logistics (China).
- Development of key efficiency target and budgetary control.
- Developmemt of job descriptions and in-house regulations.
- Enterprise presentation at the international exhibitions.

Branch Director

с 12.2010 по 12.2014 (4 года)
Agro-Soyuz-Kyiv Ltd., Kyiv, Kyiv (Сільське господарство, агробізнес)

- Branch management.
- Conducting strategic negotiations.
- Marketing analysis of the market.
- Business team formation.
- Finance planning and development of enterprise budget.
- Development and implementation of key efficiency target.
- Supervision of the warehouse stock balance.
- Setting tasks to the employees and supervision of task fulfillment.
- Control over budget targets.
- Consulting of the personnel aimed at achieving performance goals.

Sales Executive

с 03.2006 по 01.2010 (3 года 10 месяцев)
ARSENAL-CENTER, LTD, Kyiv (Production of roofing materials), Київ (Construction industry and woodworking)

- Coordination of Sales Department activity;
- Work planning (ideology, goals and tasks, motivation);
- Selection, adaptation and training of the personnel;
- Search of clients and customer capture;
- Maintain reporting;
- Customer relationship management (maintenance and development of customer database);
- Creation of motivation programs;
- Market analysis and client information accumulation;
- Representation of the company at conferences and promotional activities.

Sales Manager

с 09.2003 по 09.2006 (3 года)
Agro-Soyuz- Ltd., Kharkiv (Sales of automotive spare parts to national and imported vehicles), Київ (Сільське господарство, агробізнес)

- Work duties with existing customers.
- Customer capture at the meetings and telemarketing.
- Expansion of target market.
- Search of new clients.
- Control of trade debtors.
- Participation at the exhibitions in a position of technical expert.


Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway Technical University

Automobiles and vehicle fleet, Kharkiv
Высшее, с 1998 по 2003 (4 года 10 месяцев)

Specialist’s Diploma.

Знания и навыки

MS Excel MS Word MS Office 1C PC User MS Outlook CRM САПР CAD Многозадачность, креативность, умение нестандартно мыслить amoCRM Продаж B2C Продаж B2B Впровадження системи KPI Побудова відділу продажу Ведення CRM

Знание языков

  • Английский — свободно
  • Русский — свободно
  • Украинский — свободно

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