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Резюме от 23 мая 2023 PRO



Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
30 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Киев, Удаленно

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Опыт работы

Marketing coordinator

с 04.2021 по 02.2022 (10 месяцев)
Microsoft, Киев (Маркетинг, реклама, PR)

1. Planning and Setup | Provide governance, guidance and setup to enable reporting for KPI measurement and optimization

• Interprets the marketer’s business objectives to provide standard marketing measurement and reporting plans that adhere the global guidance.
• Develops and understanding of local audiences related to marketing priotiries.
• Advises marketers on instrumentation and reporting requirements, including timelines, end actions, tools and services.
• Creates tracking for each marketing activity.

2. Execution and Project Management | Enable seamless last-mile execution and connect local marketing campaigns to GEP nurture programs

• Acts as the single point of contact for operational commercial marketing execution, develops the project plan and coordinates local marketing execution to align activities to modern marketing wherever possible.
• Engages with the execution teams as well as local agencies to deliver necessary services.
• Coordinates local Privacy Lead to ensure compliance.
• Coordinates events (webinar and virtual events) inc setup, registration, messaging.
• Manages marketing service requests
• Ensures content is reviewed for local relevance, brand, accessibility and privacy compliance.

3. Insights and Analysis | Ensure execution data are collected and connected to lead management and marketing measurements. Provide performance insights

• Ensures lead management process is in place
• Uses reporting to provide specific reviews and information to stakeholders, inc budget and spend, operational health, engine performance
• Looks across multiple marketing activities to find patterns, best practices and efficiencies.

4. Subject Matter Expertise | Serves as the local point of contact and expert on executing modern marketing tools and services.

• Participates in localization reviews facilitating feedback and securing the appropriate local approvals
• Acts as local champ on modern marketing tools & services, branding, accessibility and privacy
• Educates local stakeholders on modern marketing services and tool capabilities
• Applies learning from modern marketing trainings to improve execution and outcomes
• Knows and apply global and local governance

5. Localization Management | Ensures all marketing campaigns are well localized into local language


с 11.2020 по 02.2021 (3 месяца)
Luna lingerie, Киев (Retail)

•Creation and implementation of brand communication strategy;
•Marketing department rebuilding;
•Managing photo, video and print production;
•Coordination of web development department;
•Influence marketing;
•Loyalty program developing;
•Sales, promo campaigns creation and implementation;
•CRM system integration;
•Collaboration with sales and product departments;
•Creation of partnership ideas.

Operations manager

с 01.2018 по 03.2020 (2 года 2 месяца)
Quadrate 28, Київ (Маркетинг, реклама, PR)

- Operational and strategic management of the company (achievement of financial plans and projects KPIs);
- Management of more than 20 projects on the daily basics, predominantly real estate(developers), lawyers, HoReCa, Health and Beauty industries;
- Team management, recruiting and HR;
- Working on the daily basis with marketing instruments like: PR, PPC, SMM, email marketing, OOH, radio and BTL activities;

My clients: «Misto kvitiv», Strah-off (Underdogs unlawyer's), «Primavera», «Manorm», «Globus», «Emiraise», «Scandia», «Soul Spa», «Biotus», «Table label».

Account manager, project manager

с 08.2016 по 12.2017 (1 год 4 месяца)
Quadrate 28, Київ (Маркетинг, реклама, PR)

- Creation and implementation of brands communication strategies in cooperation with strategic department;
- Preparation of marketing plans and budgets for each project (including PR, events, opinion leaders, PPC, SMM);
- Managing photo, video and print production;
- Coordination of web development department;
- Desk market researching;
- Communication with clients and providing client service strategy.

My clients: «Globus», «Ratatouille», «Manorm», Web production «Vintage».

Account manager, project manager

с 12.2015 по 06.2016 (6 месяцев)
Advertising avenue, Київ (Маркетинг, реклама, PR)

- Communication with client and building strong relationships;
- Project management and coordination of SMM, media advertising and PR;
- Planning and reports on weekly basic;
- Creation pf presentations, budgets and timings of the projects;
- Event organisation.

The main client was Delta Sport - brands Nike, Converse and All Stars.

Project Manager

с 05.2014 по 11.2015 (1 год 6 месяцев)
Desyatka agency, Київ (Маркетинг, реклама, PR)

- Managing 3-5 projects on daily basis;
- Web content creation;
- Organisation and control of photo and print production;
- Media planning of OOH, radio and print advertising;
- Searching and managing of contractors;


КЭИМ "Экомен"

Финансы и кредит, Київ
Высшее, с 2009 по 2015 (5 лет 6 месяцев)

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты


2019, intensive

Знания и навыки

MS Office Битрикс24 CRM amoCRM Планирование

Знание языков

  • Английский — выше среднего
  • Украинский — свободно
  • Русский — свободно
  • Французский — начинающий

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