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Резюме от 28 ноября 2022



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38 лет

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Опыт работы


с 03.2021 по 10.2022 (1 год 7 месяцев)
reface, Київ (IT)

Maintenance of tax and accounting records (full) for an Ukrainian LLC on IFRS
(Tax audits,tax accounting for VAT, a VAT refund from the state, loans from non-residents, coworking, rent, fixed assets, Intangible assets)
Accounting and tax organization from scratch
Statement of technical specifications for 1C developers to customize 1C to our needs
Financial accounting for a non-resident company (USA)
Reconciliation PL and BS

Знания и навыки

Программа планировщик PlanFix, Trello 1С BAS, Fredo, Соната, Медок, Ел. кабінет платника податків

Дополнительная информация

Pohon Maryna
Contact information
Linkedin [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Telegram Марина Погон
Phone #:[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Telegram Aryna_007
email:[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Work experience
Chief Accountant
Duration 06.2019 - 01.2021
Parimatch International

Maintenance of tax and accounting records (full), management accounting (partial)
- Consulting on Ukrainian taxation, tax optimization and tax structuring advise.
- Communication with foreign banks
- Assistance in the process of employment and dismissal of foreigners
- Support for re-registration of LLC (change of director and founders)
- Organization and implementation of a business model in the legal field (through PE and other instruments).
PE management from A to Z (Opening, launching, maintaining, support, closing. Changes. Non-standard situations.
Staff of 50+ individual entrepreneurs.
Establishment of the official accounting unit from almost scratch (implementation of 1C, transition from outsourced accounting to own accounting).
Audit of the transferred affairs.
A number of other assignments from the CFO.
Participation in management accounting.
Full management of LLC on a simplified taxation system.
- Posting bank statements, accounts, acts, invoices, contracts in 1C BAS 8 2.0
- work with currency
- Personnel accounting: hiring, dismissal, the main place of work, full / part-time work, accrual of salary and social payments, vacations, business trips, orders, staffing table;
- Analysis of the balance sheet
- preparation and submission of tax reporting, salary reporting, statistics
- preparation and submission of reports to the Social Protection Fund of the Persons with Disabilities
- preparation of payment orders, statements, salary project in client-bank, internet banking;

Chief Accountant
Duration 03.2018 - 06.2019
PROF-AHRO LLC, Kiev (grocery wholesaling)
Management of bookkeeping and tax accounting of the company in full range, general system (2 legal entities):
compilation and submission of tax, financial and statistical reporting; VAT registration; salary; personnel; accounting of fixed assets, etc; accounting of combustive and lubricating materials, truck on balance; client-bank; cash account; preparing a package of documents for obtaining loans, opening an overdraft; calculation of land tax (premisses on the balance); real asset leasing operations;
1 person was directly subordinated.

Assistant of Accountant (run in parallel)
Duration 09.2018 – present time
CHORNOBYL TOUR LLC, Kiev (incoming tourism)

Assistant of Chief Accountant
Duration 09.2017- 03.2018 (6 months)
UKRSERVIS LTD. LLC (heating systems)
Payroll accounting and other (leave salary, travel and transportation expenses, independent contractor agreement); statistical reporting; cash account, bank, basic documents, incoming tax credit, designated expenses. Record of simplified tax system. Execution of commission of Chief Accountant.

Accountant (retail trade)
Duration 03.2011 - 09.2017 (6 years 6 months)
Simplified taxation system - keeping of all accounts and administrative accounting. Balance sheet, Profits and Losts statement (P&L) и Cash Flow statement.

Manager of retail trade system (Metro, Ashan and other stores)
Duration 09.2010 - 03.2011 (6 months)
Poland company «2х3 Ukraine»

Company "Elts-Center", Kiev (Installation and maintenance of interphone equipment and video surveillance).
Client bank registration in 1C, issue of subscriber's receipt, verification with subscribers and other.

Accounting Clerk/Cashier
Duration 02.2008 - 08.2008 (6 months)
Credit Union "First Credit Society", Kiev (Provision of commodity and money loans, deposits opening).
Previous responsibilities + petty cash operations management cash and supporting documents, cash collection.

Duration 09.2006 - 09.2008 (2 years)
Credit Union "First Credit Society", Kiev (Provision of commodity and money loans, deposits opening).
Documentation and the complete issue of loan agreements.
PAVLO TYCHYNA UMAN STATE Pedagogical University
Faculty of Economics, specialty - finance
High education, duration 09.2003 - 06.2008 (4 years 9 months)
Qualification - Master degree
Additional education
• ACCA DipIFR, 2021
•Seminar «Principles of effective financial management» (2011, duration - 3 days)
•Took a course of http://www.roivix.com/rus/services/ optimization of business management (2012, duration - almost 1 year)
Professional and other skills
•Good level of work with computer (the method of touch typing)
•1С, Sonata, Medoc, Electronic office of the taxpayer
Language knowledge
English - Intermediate.
Russian, Ukrainian language fluently.

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