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Резюме от 22 мая 2010


Junior/ Middle QA

Полная занятость.
40 лет

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

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Опыт работы


с 01.2009 по 01.2010 (1 год)
Hardz, Kharkiv (Testing)

Manual testing, working with documents &
requirements, some automation issues.

Technical consultant

с 03.2007 по 11.2007 (8 месяцев)
Dnepro, Kharkiv (Technical consultant)

Technical consultant in Dnepro company in Kharkiv. There I got some practice with engineering tools, automation lines, which were related to handling wood. I learned the documentation about this stuff, and prepared the compositions for the clients, depending on their need.

Technical consulting

с 01.2007 по 12.2008 (1 год 11 месяцев)
DIANA, Kharkiv (Technical consulting)

Technical consulting, Software, some kind of
design issues, and so on.


National Kharkov University of Kharkiv Polytechnic University

Engineer electrician, Kharkiv
Высшее, с 2001 по 2007 (5 лет 5 месяцев)

Diploma: Engineer electrician

Знания и навыки

AutoCAD Bug tracking systems Database HTML HTTP IDE Java JavaScript Jira Linux Mantisbt MySQL OOP Operating systems Oracle Database Adobe Photoshop PostgreSQL Selenium Selenium IDE SQL Testing Internet User Windows XML

Знание языков

Английский — средний

Дополнительная информация

About me, shortly: IT specialist. Junior/Middle QA. About 1+ years experience in QA and 3 years in
technical stuff (consulting & automation things).
Aim: to get opportunity to work in good company in order to improve my skills.
I'm interested in:
• to work with web­applications in terms of testing
• getting more knowledge in automation approaches
There is a list of technologies I worked with
1. Selenium IDE (familiar with others but didn't really use them)
2. Java (I know in general the syntax of this language, and have used it writing little programs to
help the testing). I know the principals of OOP.
3. Familiar with WEB (HTML, JavaScript, HTTP, XML). Also I know principals of testing web­
4. I used SQL for the testing. Worked with such databases like: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle
Other experiences:
1. Windows operation system, advanced user. Also have a little knowledge with Linux based
operation systems
2. PhotoShop, ColorDraw, Autocad
3. Mantis, Jira (bug­tracking systems)
4. Able to use Google in order to get the particular information which is currently is needed for the
Methodologies and approaches
1. Familiar with SCRUM
1. I had been leader experience being a student in university(head foreman) only.
Quite good understanding foreign speech as well as writing (texting). But currently I have lack of real
communications while speaking (I hope to find the company where I would able to learn the English).

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