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Резюме от 10 октября 2022


Java developer (Trainee, Junior), 15 000 грн

Полная занятость.
26 лет

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон, эл. почту и адрес.

Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Опыт работы

Notebook reseller and repair

с 03.2022 по 09.2022 (6 месяцев)
Self Employed, Львів (Reseller)

I am well versed in technology, as well as in communication with people. at that time it was very difficult to find a job in Ukraine, so I took a loan of €1,000 (yes, this is a lot of money for Ukraine), after which I started reselling laptops, servicing them, and repairing them. For 7 months of such work, I earned approximately €8,000 in net income with an average salary in Ukraine of around €400 per month

Seles Manager

с 07.2021 по 02.2022 (7 месяцев)
Egersund Seafood, Львів (Sales of Seafood)

work in a premium fish store was extremely interesting, my duties included: creating information documents for the store's products, accounting for goods, checking the quality of goods upon receipt, advising clients and helping in the selection of fish and seafood for the guest, depending on the taste properties and benefits for specific guest

Senior Waiter

с 02.2021 по 07.2021 (5 месяцев)
Zefir Resort, Дрогобич (Restaurant and resort)

I was a senior waiter, in this restaurant there was a standard of silver service and all outgoing duties, such as preliminary serving of all tables, help in choosing dishes and selecting drinks for the client, opening and pouring alcoholic beverages, personally seating each guest and TD.

Sales Maneger of Analitic favours

с 11.2020 по 12.2020 (1 месяц)
Imperial Time, Kyiv (Analitic)

I worked at this job for about a month, I agree not much, for this period of time I learned the correct dialogue with customers who are not interested in buying or do not understand the benefits of purchasing services (5 days trained in contactless sales. passed the test)


с 10.2016 по 06.2020 (3 года 8 месяцев)
Ukrainian Army, Тернопіль (Army)

My responsibilities included:
-Maintaining the documentation of the unit in good condition.
-Mediation between the unit commander and subordinates.
-Drawing up a schedule for the unit,
-Writing reports, plans, and various documentation using MS Word and MS Excel.
-Communication with the higher command, bringing their orders to the unit.
-Sometimes he served as commander of the unit in his absence. He was engaged in setting tasks and their distribution depending on the knowledge of each subordinate.
- A participant in the hostilities.
- I have 2 breastplates.


с 05.2015 по 08.2016 (1 год 3 месяца)
Tarantino, Дрогобич (Hotel and restaurant industry)

Preparation of the institution for the opening,
Knowledge of food and drink ingredients
Knowledge of etiquette rules in customer service
Achievements: Love and recognition among guests
Responsibilities included: quality guest service, advising guests on the menu, ordering in the system, guest calculation


Western Ukrainian National University

International relations, Тернопіль
Неоконченное высшее, с 2020 по 2023 (3 года)

I study at a distance form of study

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

Norway-Ukraine courses for entrepreneurs

2020 6 months

Дія. Цифрова освіта

1 день

Знания и навыки

Java Windows Java SE Collections Gradle PC User Generics Android MS Excel iOS MS Word Побудова графіків Ведення документації Налаштування програмного забезпечення Медичні маніпуляції Операційні системи Знання всіх технологічних новинок ринку.ПК Консолі Телефони інш. Заміна будь якої комплектуючої пк ноутбука або телефону Antivirus protection Confidence Knowledge of all technological novelties of the market. PC Conso

Знание языков

  • Английский — средний
  • Польский — начинающий

Дополнительная информация

I will gladly accept a job offer that requires additional training, education, or courses, I am eager to learn something new.
Confident, ready to learn a new profession.

I have a knack for technology, I understand modern technology - computers, laptops, phones, rehearsals (headphones, microphones, etc.) and game consoles, I can easily replace any component of this equipment.
If you need a warehouse computer from scratch.
I understand the software,
I have basic soldering skills,
My dream is to start my own business, namely to open my own franchise with a network around the world.

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