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Logistics assistant, Storekeeper

Полная занятость.
37 лет

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Опыт работы

Logistics assistant/Storekeeper

с 12.2022 по наст. время (1 год 9 месяцев)
HEKS/EPER, Odesa (Неприбуткові, благодійні та громадські організації)

I have been working for HEKS/EPER Ukraine since December 2022 in the main position of logistics assistant/storekeeper and travel to field missions as a driver when needed, including red zones.
My main tasks are:
- to manage the warehouse, receiving and dispatching humanitarian shipments and ensuring the safety and security of the goods in the warehouse;
- preparing goods for distribution in the affected settlements, de-occupied territories or resettlement centres;
- preparing individual or collective kits;
- managent of daily workers and a rented forklift;
- to comply with safety regulations in the warehouse;
- be in constant communication with truck drivers to make sure they arrive on time for loading/unloading, especially during distribution, to avoid downtime for the Program department at humanitarian aid distribution points, especially in "red zones";
- prepare vehicles for field missions together with the logistics officer: pre-mission vehicle inspections including tyre pressures, levels of technical fluids and obligatory filling of a full tank; availability of mandatory equipment for field missions;
- maintain and check the data in the logbook.
Also closely associated with the security department, I know and understand the protocols and principles of the department. Together with the security department, we assess security risks before field missions. Successfully completed Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT), Tactical emergency casualty care and received certification. Over 18 years of driving experience. Driving license B, C, C1. Higher education. I have an analytical mindset. Communicative, disciplined, stress-resistant, proactive. Married, have a son.

Equipment service specialist

с 07.2007 по 10.2021 (14 лет 3 месяца)
ООО НКТВ, Николаев (Телекомунікації, зв'язок)

Worked in a telecommunications company as part of the technical team. Worked as a foreman in low voltage network maintenance. The main tasks were equipment repair/replacement, technical troubleshooting of networks, installation of new networks, receipt, delivery and accounting of consumables and new equipment. Also experienced in working directly with customers as the company was small and local, so each employee was faced with a wide range of tasks.


National University of Shipbuilding named Admiral Makarov

Enterprise economy, Nikolaev
Высшее, с 2004 по 2009 (5 лет)

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

Tactical emergency casualty care

2022, 3 дні

Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)

2022, 3 дні

Знание языков

  • Украинский — свободно
  • Русский — свободно
  • Английский — средний

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