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 Kyiv, Ukraine

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Mark  [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Neramik 


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Test Automation Expert


I am high skilled and motivated quality assurance automation expert with almost 10 Certi[ed Tester Foundation Level
year experience, good development background and very deep understanding of
SDLC. My main specializiation is smart test automation, but I am able to resolve ISTQB Certi^cation Program 2021
tasks of any level of complexity.On my experience much of challenges: building the
team, resolving complex tasks management expectations. I have organized test
automation on user interfaces with high complexity like cars’ HMI, automated tons of
different API’s and also worked with automation of the mobile applications. I have
worked even in government structure, and have written education plan for one of the
IT high schools in the Ukraine. I have good attitude in leading and mentoring

Also I have skills and achievements almostly in any direction: DevOps, Backend
Development, Frontend Development, Anroid etc. .I have successfully done more than
50 projects on a different domains as a freelancer. I have both developer’s and QA
professional certi^cation and plan to get more in future.Freelance experience helps
me to reach high level of self-organisation. I am looking for position where I could
share my expertise with a team and improve existing company processes.I will prefer
to work at the leading positions in the quality assurance or backend development. I
am ready to accept much technical challenges.I also want to join company with well
built agile processes and understandable responsibilities.

Oracle Certi[ed Professional Java Programmer
Oracle Certi^cation Program 2017

Allot Senior SDET 10.2021 - 01.2023

I have worked in test automation infrastructure team in the telecommunication

I have been responsible for mentoring the automation engineers using our internal
standards and introducing best practices into the internal framework.

I have set up the CI/CD pipeline for the automation framework and have been
responsible for the automation framework maintenance.

Have totally refactored one of the most important modules in the framework. It was a
huge challenge for me, but I have done it.
Have introduced the new approach to the framework architecture.
Have implemented MVP for robot framework tests.

Main tools:
Docker, Kubernetes, GraphQL, Python, Robot Framework, Java, Selenium, API Testing,
Groovy, Jira, TestRail

Polytech Software Lead QA 03.2019 - 09.2021
Test Automation
I have been working on complex general company-based frameworks and
solutions to assure quality of the whole company products and improve Selenium WebDriver/Selenide 6 yrs
automation of the existing processes
Cypress 3 yrs Appium 2 yrs
Also my responsibilities were to lead the team of automation engineers, introduce
best practices and standards, and improve the existing processes
Browserstack API 1 yr
The project was big ecommerce printing platform with a lot of different features
and integrations. I have been responsible for the automation of the whole platform API testing/REST Assured/Postman 3 yrs
and its integrations with other services
JUnit/TestNG 6 yrs JMeter 2 yrs
Have created typescript framework for the frontend and backend testing Mockito 1 yr Wiremock 1 yr
Have taught several manual testers to write automated tests
Selenium Grid/Selenoid 1 yr AutoIT3 2 yrs
Have created a lot of reusable components for the framework

Robot Framework 1 yr PyTest 1 yr
Main tools:
Jest, Javascript, Typescript, Cypress, Vagrant, Symphony, Cucumber, BDD/TDD,
OpenCV 1 yr
SCRUM/AGILE,Web and Mobile testing, React, Jenkins, PHP, CircleCI

Team Management
TeamLead Freelance 02.2018 - 03.2019
Work in Agile environment 8 yrs

I have created a 10-person team which was worked with me at the
JIRA/Conluence/Atlassian 8 yrs Redmine 1 yr
little amount of the freelance resources and has done almostly 20 projects with
different budgets and complexity SCRUM 3 yrs Kanban 2 yrs

Achievements: Project Management 2 yrs
Have built a team of 10 people and implemented the whole process of the project
management based on SCRUM

Have worked with different clients and have done a lot of different projects Quality Assurance
Have reached top 100 on the freelance platforms
Test Design 7 yrs Test Analysis 8 yrs
Have worked with a bunch of different technologies and got a lot of positive reviews
passing extreme deadlines TestRail 5 yrs Web testing 5 yrs

Main tools: XCode/Android Studio 3 yrs
SCRUM/AGILE, JIRA, Android SDK, Kotlin, Room, PostgreSQL, MYSQL, MongoDB,
XCode, Jest, Javascript, Typescript, Cypress,PHP, Vagrant, Laravel, React, Angular, Mobile Testing 2 yrs
Jenkins, PHP, Python, ODOO, Git, Linux

Performance/Load Testing 2 yrs

QA Automation Engineer NDA 03.2016 - 03.2018
Infrastructure, OS and Tools
I have worked in stealth startup originated from Silicon Valley in the healthcare
Jenkins 3 yrs Kafka 2 yrs CircleCI 3 yrs

My main responsibility fos support of one of the development team in the GitlabCI 2 yrs Git 7 yrs Maven 5 yrs
company which work with medicine. I have tested our service and webpages;

I have also developed regression autotests due to milestone Gradle 3 yrs Composer 2 yrs

I have also been involved in reviewed unit-tests created by our developers Windows 3 yrs MacOS/Linux 7 yrs

Main tools: Docker 6 yrs Kubernetes 2 yrs
Jest, Javascript, Git, Linux, TestRail, Allure, Selenium, TestCases Writing, Test Design,
Scrum/AGILE, TDD, JIRA, Rest API testing, WebSockets, Web RTC
AWS 2 yrs DosBox/VMWare 4 yrs

Jetbrains IDE 8 yrs
Junior QA Automation Engineer 03.2015 - 03.2016
Evergreen's IT and Support
Databases and Data Formats
I have worked in the company which provides IT and support services for the
MySQL 6 yrs PostgreSQL 2 yrs

My main responsibility was to test the web application which was used by the MongoDB 1 yr XML 9 yrs JSON 9 yrs
clients to manage their projects

I have developed automation UI tests for website CSV 10 yrs

Also, I have tried to create my own framework for QA Automation

Backend Development
Main tools:
JUnit, TestNG, Springboot, Selenium, Java, Autoit3, Google API, Git, Linux, TestRail,
Spring/Springboot 5 yrs Hibernate ORM 3 yrs
Allure, Selenium, TestCases Writing, Test Design, Scrum/AGILE, TDD, JIRA, Rest API
Camunda 2 yrs Java 6 yrs

Node.js/Express 4 yrs Python 3 yrs
Junior QA Engineer Gohe.ru group 01.2014 - 01.2015
Odoo 1 yr Django 2 yrs Flask 2 yrs

I have worked in the gamedev company one of the biggest in CIS MMORPG for cell
PHP 2 yrs GO 4 mo Kotlin 3 yrs

I have been responsible for prereleasing testing of the game and beta testing Laravel 2 yrs Lumen 6 mo
Also, I have worked on clean bugreports for developer Andrei

Main tools: Frontend Development
Git, Linux, Web and Mobile testing, Scrum/AGILE, Asana, Rest API testing
Javascript/Typescript 5 yrs

JQuery+Bootstrap 3 yrs
HTML/CSS Layout 6 yrs Angular 2 yrs

Bank Automation project 4 months Android Development
Kotlin 3 yrs ADB 3 yrs
I have worked on the project of the NDA Bank. I have developed automation
framework+tool for the project.
Android Studio 3 yrs Room 1 yr
It has allowed to build smart mockups with data generation for existing
microservices .Also I have developed basic functional tests for the project Retro^t 2 yrs RxKotlin 2 yrs

Main tools: Dagger 2 yrs Glide 1 yr Firebase 1 yr
Allure, Camunda, Java, Kotlin, Test Case Design, Docker, Wiremock, Mockito, JUnit,
Rest Assured, Kafka, JIRA, Git, Linux, SCRUM/AGILE, TDD, BDD Google Maps 1 yr Platon Payment System 1 yr

Google Pay 1 yr
GameBots Development 6 months

I have been writing scripts that complete some automation on desktops and
browsers for clients through the Internet. My scripts had been used on Windows to
perform automatic level-up in the different browser games accounts.
Main tools: AutoIT3, Windows, GIT, C#

Ukrainian native

Lead Developer - Ukrainian Ministry of 4 months
Digital Transformation
English C1

This project is about complex solution of the interactive maps of the Ukraine
which intended to help government working on the budgets and analysis of the
parts of the ukrainian infrastructure and other things.
Deutsch A2
Main tools:
React, Redux, GIS, Google Maps, OpenLayers, Typescript, Jest, Node.js, Express,
Postgres, Docker, Git, Linux, SCRUM/AGILE, TDD

Java developer - znai.allatra.tv 6 months
I have worked on voluntary basics for non-commercial organization

I have developed unit tests for system, that have used elasticsearch and MongoDB. State University of Telecommunication
This backend system was able to search text inside youtube subtitles
Bachelor degree Computer Science 2022
I have developed automation UI tests for website

I have helped for developers with backend Richelieu Lyceum
High School 2016
Main tools:
JUnit, Spring, Selenium, Java, ChromeDev tools, ElasticSearch, MongoDB, Git, Linux,
TestCases Writing, Test Design, Scrum/AGILE, TDD, JIRA, Rest API testing

Team Lead - Ukrainian AI Olympiad 1 year
I have many hobbies in real life. I like to play table tennis,
computer games. Also I have interested in trading
I have been mentoring students and helping them to develop AI for drones

Main tools: OpenLayers, OpenCV, Python

Node.JS Developer - Madrabbit 1 year

I have worked on web online game for the company Madrabbit Games. I have
developed the backend part of the game and also created bots in game for testing
purposes, also I have been involved as QA Automation

Main tools:
Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Jest, Socket.io, Redis, Docker, Git, Linux,

Teacher Assistant - Rychellieu 1 year

I have been mentoring students and helping them to develop AI for drones

Main tools: Javascript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Git, Linux

PHP Developer - Low6 3 months

I have worked on integration between UberEats and huge bookmaker company
from Great Britain.

Main tools:
PHP, Laravel, Lumen, MicroServices, Angular, MySQL, Git, Linux, SCRUM/AGILE, TDD

Java Developer - ArkNet Group 1,5 years

My task was to create cryptocurrency simulation in the chat-bot game and support
existing services

Main tools:
PHP, Laravel, Vagrant, PayOP, JDBC, Java, VKAPI, Docker, Git, Linux, SCRUM/AGILE

Dobrotrade inc. Java/PHP Tech 1 year

Completed most part of integration of Dobroshop with the Chinese items content

Developed concept of the siteconstructors around the Dobro globe

Done huge part of refactoring administration part migrated up to the Voyager

Main tools:
Laravel, Voyager, Vue.js, React, Spring Boot 2, Spring Rest API, Java Servlets, MyBatis,
MySQL, MongoDB

Blockster - Digitex Middle PHP 6 months

This project was social network intended for crypto popularization in society

We had also our token which was guaranteed by our social network growth. Also
we had our own stock exchange fpr crypto

I have worked as fullstack developer. First time I have done part of rest API, but
almostly my task was of the

monolith outdated application, which was stable version of the Blockster.

Main tools:
JavaScript, PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Redis, Docker, Git, Linux, Lumen, MicroServices,
Angular, MySQL, Git, Linux, SCRUM/AGILE, TDD

Похожие кандидаты

Інженер БПЛА, тестувальник, складальник

Junior QA manual engineer
25000 грн, Киев



QA manager
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