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Резюме от 2 апреля 2024 Файл


C++ developer

30 лет
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Rodion 2009.09-2011.06 Industrial Pedagogical College(Donetsk)

Objective: C++ developer, Assembly of radio boards and devices.
Graphic developer
2011.09-2013.06 Industrial Pedagogical College(Donetsk)

PHONES: Designer-Techonologist of radio boards and devices.
Ukraine: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Sweden: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Industrial Pedagogical College(Donetsk)

Master of Industrial Training.
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Högarörsgatan, 341 38 Ljungby
HABR: 2016.01-2018.02 Shopping Cart Elite
HTTPS://HABR.COM/ru/USERS/MICRO Technical support

2018.04-2018.08 Plik online school : https://plik.com.ua/
Lead Developer
Started programming with C++. Led 2020-Now Working on my own engine.
a small team in game development
using the SFML library.
Experienced in web development PRO SKILLS
with PHP and Go, including  C++(4 years, C++ 14, C++ 17), Php(2 years), Go(1 year), JavaScript(1
creating a web platform for learning year), HTML(2 years) program languages.
 OpeGL, Vulkan graphics APIs.
Polish, involving the development of
 Understanding of graphic’s pipeline.
the engine, architecture, security,  Knowledge of application fundamental programming patterns like OOP,
and integration of payment singleton, point to implementation, graphs, factory, asynchronous behavior,
prototype, adapter, bridge, facade, decorator, and template approach.
 GLSL shader’s language. Vertex, fragment, geometry and compute
Worked at E Commerce company  Worked with Glad, SDL2, GLFW, Assimp, ImGui, Glm, Entt, STL libraries,
as well as tools like Visual Studio, RenderDoc, Nvidia Nsight Graphics,
(SCE) as a technical specialist, Premake, CMake and GitHub.
handling web platform setup,  Fimillar with standart library(STL), std::vector, std::map,
customer support, and configuring std::unordered_map, std::queue, std::set, std::unordered_set,
std::filesystem, std::fstream and etc.
trading platforms such as Amazon,  Multithreading, std::thread, std::mutex, std::guard, std::atomic.
eBay, Rakuten, etc.  SSE4.2 Instructions.
 Understanding of memory management(Stack, Heap, Static), cpu caching.
 Basic assembler’s knowledge.
Currently focused on C++ and  Have small experience with mod creating for DayZ.
game engine development.
Experience with OpenGL and
Vulkan graphics APIs. Developing a
game engine from scratch, covering
rendering, entity modules, physics,
asynchronous asset loading etc.
Proficient in handling binary data for
serialization and deserialization.
Have small experience with neural LANGUAGES 

Technical English : Upper-Intermediate, speak and write
Ukrainian: Native
networks:  Russian: Native

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