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Резюме от 29 сентября 2023 Файл


Асистент керівника

20 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Другие страны, Запорожье, Киев, Удаленно

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Danil Bodyluk / Executive Virtual Assistant
Location: Zaporizhia City, Ukraine.
Telephone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
E-mail:[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
LinkedIn Profile: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Professional Profile

I am a dedicated and highly communicative professional with a strong
commitment to efficiency and continuous personal and professional growth. My
experiences, including a year spent as an exchange student in the United States,
have shaped my ability to connect with diverse individuals and adapt to new
environments seamlessly.

Core Skills
- C1 Level of English
- Experience living and studying in the U.S.A.
- Call and Email Handling
- Problem-Solving
- Recruiting and Interview skills
- Deep understanding of clients needs
- Time Management
- Vast understanding of different CRM systems (Zendesk, Salesforce)
- Excellent communication and social skills
- Data Analysis
- Multitasking
- Team management skills
- Digital Marketing
- Deep understanding of sales techniques

Career Summary, Work Experience

June 2022 -Present A2B Movers
Executive Virtual Assistant

I worked as a Virtual Assistant at 4 Los Angeles based moving
companies. I had a diverse role with many important tasks. I helped boost
sales, handled paperwork, and assisted with hiring new staff. I also took
charge of online marketing efforts. My work was flexible and helped the
company in many ways.

Key Responsibilities
● Sales Support: Actively engaged in the sales process by
assisting with client outreach, responding to inquiries, and
providing essential information to potential clients.
● Administrative Tasks: Took charge of essential documentation
and bureaucracy, meticulously maintaining paperwork and
● Staff Recruitment: Led the recruitment process for Sales
Representatives, from sourcing candidates to conducting initial
screenings and coordinating interviews.
● Marketing and Advertising: Managed Google and Facebook
advertising campaigns, optimizing ad spend, and monitoring
campaign performance to achieve maximum ROI.
● Multitasking and Adaptability: Thrived in a fast-paced
environment by efficiently juggling various tasks and adapting to
evolving priorities.

April 2022 - June 2022 Company Supplax
Sales Representative

As a Sales Representative, I reached out to clients and promoted our
Epoxy and Wallpaper Installation services through our CRM system. I also
connected with skilled professionals, called Masters, who could handle the
actual job.

Key Responsibilities
● Client Outreach and Sales: Contacted potential clients to
introduce and promote the company's Epoxy and Wallpaper
Installation services.
● Masters and Service Provider Recruitment: Identified and
contacted skilled Masters or service providers who can perform
Epoxy and Wallpaper Installation jobs.
● Closed sales deals by effectively communicating the value
proposition and addressing client inquiries and concerns.
● Professional Development: Continuously improved sales skills
and knowledge through training and professional development
August 2021 - February 2022 Company IFriend.
Customer Support Representative

As a Customer Support Representative, my role involved
communicating with clients through email and chat channels. I was also
tasked with overseeing our in-house AI system integrated within our CRM

Key Responsibilities
● Managing clients' questions and selling our product from time to
time and writing high quality English text responses.
● Getting in touch with the engineers when the A.I. Is not working
correctly, and maintaining it.
● Analyzing the data collected throughout the work day and
improving my writing skills
● Inviting new users to use the app.

October 2021 - December of 2021 Billing School
English Teacher

Teaching Elementary and Middle school children English and creating
effective lesson plans. Also helping my manager by bringing clients and creating a
safe educational environment for children .

August 2018 - November 2018 Local food chain, volunteering at a Baseball Field
Food chain volunteer Worker.

Selling food and talking to visitors at a local Baseball court, as a
volunteering, non-profit experience.

Key Responsibilities
● Selling goods
● Cleaning and managing the store
June 2017 - July 2017 Call Center, health events.
Sales manager

My first working experience, calling clients and inviting them to health
and sanitary events over a phone in an office.

Key Responsibilities
● Calling a base of clients inviting them to events
● Analyzing the gathered data from clients base
● Helping my HR manager in the office in numerous ways

Education and qualifications
➢ Ukrainian High School Diploma. (Gymnasium №71, Zaporizhia)
➢ FLEX Exchange program certificate

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