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Financial Director, 8 000 грн

Полная занятость.
47 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Другие страны, Керчь, Киев, Симферополь, Ялта

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

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Опыт работы

Sales manager

с 03.2012 по наст. время (12 лет 6 месяцев)
"Classic Modern" (decorative finishing) (Simferopol) (Building, architecture)

Direct sales. Finishing building work supervision.


с 10.2008 по 05.2009 (7 месяцев)
Group of companies "Elim", Simferopol (Diversified (production, advirtisement, trading))

Complex automation of business-activity.
Development of unified central accounting system.
Forming of the consolidated budget, management of cash flows, analysis and optimization of business-processes, optimization of taxation burden, organization of the corporate financing, development of managerial accounting policy.

Private entrepreneur

с 06.2008 по наст. время (16 лет 3 месяца)
Private entrepreneur (Accounting)


с 05.2006 по 05.2008 (2 года)
Pilsner Ukraine (importing, beverage,)

Forming of the consolidated budget, management of cash flows, business planning, analysis of realization of investment projects, analysis and optimization of business-processes, optimization of taxation burden, organization of the corporate financing, development of managerial accounting policy. Offshore capital movement. Participating in development of the accounting systems in family organizations.


с 11.2005 по 05.2006 (6 месяцев)
N.O.T.A. (vending, tech.services)

Managing a financial department, consisting of book-keeping (3 subordinates) and financial-accounting department (5 subordinates). Operative cash planning and perspective planning, accounting policy. Complex automation of business-activity (account, planning, documents circulation) was conducted in a company, and I managed the development of financial part of this complex.

Chief of a financial department

с 04.2004 по 12.2005 (1 год 8 месяцев)
AVTEK (import/export of trucks/spareparts etc.)

Development of a system of budgeting on a software platform 1С 7.7: planning of introduction, coordination of participants, motivation on achievement of goals, control of execution of plans and tracking of their performance; development of budgetary regulations, specifications, the control over their maintenance.
The department was engaged in operative cash planning, current and perspective financial planning, financial and economic analysis.
Now the system of budgeting in company AVTEK successfully functions.

Chief economist

с 04.2003 по 04.2004 (1 год)
Trading House “LAZ-Ukraine” (bus selling & service)

Taken part in a group of experts on strategic planning at the LAZ automotive plant, actively participated in the description of business-processes of the Trading House “LAZ-Ukraine”

Economist on planning

с 02.2002 по 03.2003 (1 год 1 месяц)
Blitz-Pack (carton pack production)

Calculation and estimation of business-plans, monitoring of business-plans.
Development of applications for production and financial planning (calculating of the price of an order, tracking of movement of an order in manufacture) on platform of MS Access.
Participation in a group of adaptation of the block of planning of manufacture of SAP R/3, description of business-processes of a plant, pricing.

Deputy director

с 11.2000 по 08.2001 (9 месяцев)
Pharmaceutical firm “Omela” (town of Kerch) (Personnel management (staff 15 person), mutual relations with the supervising organizations, the current cash planning current and perspective financial planning.)

Personnel management (staff 15 person), mutual relations with the supervising organizations, the current cash planning current and perspective financial planning.

Vice chief economist

с 07.1999 по 11.2000 (1 год 4 месяца)
Joint Venture “Marine Engineering Service” (shiprepair)

Revision of a system of calculation of the cost price of ship repair, and the new design of cost sharing was developed.


Kerch marine technological institute

Economics of the enterprise, engeneer-economist, Kerch
Высшее, с 1994 по 1999 (4 года 9 месяцев)

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

MicroМВА: complex understanding of business, Business Solutions


Financial management (2 modules): Methods of financial, commercial and actuarial accounts, risk management; Management of struct


Financial management for top-managers and owners, Kiev-Mohila business school


Strategic management: Strategic management: formation and realization of strategy of the organization, CTC


Technologies of perfection of business-processes and organizational structure of the enterprise, Kvazar-Mikro


Знания и навыки

  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • 1C
  • MS Access
  • MS Project
  • Linux
  • Project Expert
  • Audit
  • Tax optimization
  • Audit Expert
  • Аудит
  • Внедрение системы бюджетирования, формирование учётной политики.
  • Финансовое планирование и анализ,разработка бюджетных нормативов
  • Налоговая оптимизация.
  • Контроль оффшоров.
  • Трансформация отчетности в международные стандарты.
  • Организация корпоративного финансирования.
  • Developing of budgeting and accounting system.
  • Financial planning and analysis, development of budget norms

Знание языков

  • Английский — продвинутый
  • Испанский — начинающий
  • Украинский — свободно
  • Русский — свободно


  • Enver Abduraimov

    Enver Abduraimov

    Owner, Elim

    Контактные данные скрыты
  • Iury Sedletsky

    Iury Sedletsky

    Owner, "Classic Modern" (decorative finishing)

    Контактные данные скрыты

Дополнительная информация

Development of system of budgeting and accounting policy.
Financial planning and analysis, development of budgetary specifications.
Tax optimization.
Inducing style of management of the personnel.
Organization of the corporate financing.
Formalization of account and budgeting policy.
Translation of business processes and policies into program specifications of any programs or business applications.

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