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Резюме от 27 июня 2022 Файл



33 года

Контактная информация

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Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Mihaylo Bogachov
SEO Specialist, Web Analyst

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9 years of total experience in the SEO Specialist, Web Analysis field
3 years of total experience in directing company SEO department:
Leading team of 5 SEO Specialists for 5 years.
Completing goals on over 70 projects, from small promo sites for local business to large international betting platforms

Expertise highlights:
Onsite and offsite search engine optimization
Web audit
Competitors analysis
Development of SEO promotion strategy
Development of link building strategy
Project management (SEO & Web development)
Usability Analysis
Establishing SEO reporting environment
Web traffic analysis
Establishing Google Analytics and Webmaster tools environment
Internal SEO for WP/Joomla/Magento/Opencart & Custom CMS.
Adwords PPC company
Mentoring & training teammates
Cross-team communication (SEO - dev - business teams)

English level: Intermediate (B1)
Tools: Serpstat, Ahrefs, Netpeak Spider/Screaming Frog, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Ads, Google Merchant, Google Data Studio, Gogetlinks, Miralinks, Collaborator, Reffer, Seo-reports, Allposition, ChekTrust, Jira/Confluence.
Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS
Participated as SEO-specialist volunteer in World Health Organization project

Studio Creative - March 2013 - Present (https://studio-creative.com.ua/)
Freelance projects - August 2013 - Present (https://mebli-bristol.com.ua/, https://oh.ua/, https://kahelplus.com.ua/ and others)
Part-time job:
YourBet - December 2017 - May 2018 (Latvia, remotely) - gambling.
123cards.com - January 2018 - April 2018 (https://www.123cards.com/)(USA, remotely)

Client: YourBet
Description: Multilingual gambling portal with many different sources of traffic. The goal was to find, identify and remove empty traffic channels TDS (which do not bring any results) and SEO/Traffic-audit.
What I did on this project:
-SEO consulting
-Setup & track main goals (Registration, Deposit)
-Traffic channels analysis (Main Channels and TDS Channels)
-Traffic analysis report (Weekly and Monthly reports)
-Developing technical requirements for development team
-Cross-team communication (CEO, project managers and product owner)
-Forming semantic core
-Web audit

Client: 123cards.com
Description: A product that works on the US market. The main task was to increase organic traffic to the site using only white hat SEO.
What I did on this project:
-SEO consulting
-Competitors analysis (checked competitors links, link-building strategy, content and other SEO things)
-SEO audit
-Forming semantic core
-Developing technical requirements for copy-writers & developers
-SEO reporting

Lviv Banking University – Economic Cybernetics – Lviv, Ukraine 2007-2013 - Master’s degree.

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing (April 2020 - Present). Google Digital Garage CBW learndigital.withgoogle.com
EF SET B1 (February 2019 - Present). EF Standard English Test (EF SET) www.efset.org
Google Analytics Individual Qualification

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