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Резюме от 8 февраля 2024 Файл



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Dmytro Zhernovnikov
Currently in Kyiv
UX/UI, Graphic Designer

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Portfolio About Me



I am a UX/UI & Graphic designer. I am passionate about everything

Upwork related to UX/UI, digital products and other areas of technology and

innovation. I constantly research and demonstrate knowledge of the

latest trends and technologies in this field. Additionally, I am a technical

thinker who utilizes data, analysis, and customer feedback to find the

best business solutions.

I am a creative individual who focuses on functionality and overall visual

EN elements that enhance the user's navigation capabilities within digital
English - Intermediate


UA Ukranian - Native

Ru Russian - Native Furthermore, I have experience working as a freelancer with

international clients from around the world, on platforms such as

UpWork, Fiverr and Freelancehunt.

Professional Skills
2014 - 2016

Proficiency in Figma, Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator
Kharkov Institute Of Socioeconomic

Using Components, Variants & Auto Layout
Specialist degree in Economy of Enterpise

Prototyping, creating of storyboards, process flows and site maps,

2010 - 2014

Understanding of the UI/UX design principles (both for web and
Kharkov Institute Of Socioeconomic

mobile apps)
Bachelor, Economy of Enterpise

Responsive design

Style guides (UI kit) creation

Creating project presentations and clickable prototyps (InVision,

Courses Figma)

Understanding how HTML/CSS works
Web Design from 0 to PR O "Skillbox" Creative

Research and analytical skills
Creative Photography by "Stas Novikov"

Using neural networks (ChatGPT, Midjourney, etc.
QA-Manual Testing at "Telesens Academy "

I create logos, business cards, flyers, posters, banners, etc.
English Course at "American-English Center "
Up-to-date with the latest web trends, techniques and technologies

Interests Personal Skills

I create electronic music, dance and teach

dance, I am fond of spiritual practice and

yoga, a vegetarian for 1 3 years, I love cycling,
Focus on results

traveling and exploring new places and

architecture, we create a creative studio with
Attention to details

a team of friends and build an adobe house

in the village.
Work Expirience
Web, UX/UI designer
Mos Creative (USA)

Made design ideas using wireframes, storyboards, process flows
and site maps
Made an analysis of competitive products from the business
objectives, user needs, and brand directio
Gathering and evaluating user requirements, in collaboration with
product managers and engineers
Optimized existing user interface designs
Conducted layout adjustments based on user feedbac
Worked on e-commerce for different restaurant chains
Created responsive websites and applications interfaces from
scratch for busi nesses of restaurant industries
Provided support during development

2022 - Present
UX/UI, Web, Graphic designer
UpWork (Worlwide)

Made design ideas using wireframes, storyboards, process flows
and site maps
Made an analysis of competitive products from the business
objectives, user needs, and brand directio
Gathering and evaluating user requirements, in collaboration with
product managers and engineers
Optimized existing user interface designs
Conducted layout adjustments based on user feedbac
Worked on e-commerce for different restaurant chains
Created responsive websites and applications interfaces from
scratch for busi nesses of restaurant industries
Provided support during development

Похожие кандидаты

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Харьков, Удаленно

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Харьков, Удаленно

Дизайнер сайтів, UI/UX designer

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Харьков, Днепр , еще 6 городов

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Харьков, Удаленно

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