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Резюме от 6 февраля 2023 Файл


2D artist

26 лет

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Maria Bedenko

E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Website: https://gefangis.artstation.com
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

WORK Publishing house «Навчальна July 2013 — June 2020
EXPERIENCE книга Богдан»
Drawing illustrations for textbooks. Plenty and fast.

Publishing house «Навчальна July 2013 — June 2020
книга Богдан»
layout designer
The layout of mathematics textbooks, all kinds of notebooks, and the design of their

Publishing house «ВАКО» October 2013 — July 2021
Drawing illustrations for children's books.

Publishing house «ВАКО» October 2013 — July 2021
layout designer
The layout of mathematics textbooks, all kinds of notebooks, and the design of their

Publishing house «Ранок» September 2017 — June 2018
layout designer
The layout of mathematic textbook.

Publishing house «Laurus» August 2020 — May 2021
Cover design for a variety of books

QUALIFICATIONS Designing a variety of covers for print publications.
Illustrating books in different styles. (Including imitation of styles of previous textbook
Creation of logos and trademarks.
A thorough knowledge of the history of weapons and clothing since the 5th century.
Profound knowledge of the package Adobe, SAI, Clip studio, Procreate.
In the process of studying Blender and Zbrush.
Fluent in traditional and digital drawing.
Fluent in Russian, Ukrainian
I feel confident in English
I have a poor command of Polish

Maria Bedenko 1
EDUCATION Artist September 2010 — September
Vinnitsa Children's Art School

design artist September 2015 — September
Ukrainian Academy of Printing

ui\ux June 2021 — August 2021

PERSONAL Customer orientation, flexibility, ability to learn quickly and work under pressure, conflict
QUALITIES resolution, stress tolerance, multitasking, creativity, versatile thinking, insight and ability
to find a way out of hopeless situations.

INTERESTS woodcuts, historical reconstruction, board games (like D&D, Pathfinder)

A FEW WORDS I have been in the printing industry since I was a child. In fact, I have a bit more
ABOUT MYSELF experience. However, I didn't specify it because I can't remember everything I've done
in publishing houses. I also did not mention that I have won prizes in various painting
and textile design competitions. In fact, I can do everything. Like sword fight, shoot with
an arquebus, cook national dishes of different nations on a campfire, lead discussions
on every possible topic from the biography of Lincoln to the cause of forks, tell how
anime influenced the development of America and how to make a crossbow out of

Maria Bedenko 2

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