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Полная занятость.
29 лет

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Фамилия, контакты и фото доступны только для зарегистрированных работодателей. Чтобы получить доступ к личным данным кандидатов, войдите как работодатель или зарегистрируйтесь.

Опыт работы

Head of the sector for memory policy

с 06.2022 по 10.2023 (1 год 4 месяца)
Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, Київ (Державні організації)

Project Legal Manager

с 10.2021 по 10.2022 (1 год)
Film.UA, Київ (ЗМІ, медіа)

- conducting business correspondence and communication with lawyers, financiers, project producers on documents submitted to competitions for donors/foundations/charities and at the request of investors;
- monitoring of international and Ukrainian donors/funds and other organizations that provide support to Ukrainian companies;
- maintaining a database of donors/funds;
- maintaining a database of projects supported by the department;
- writing, editing, and proofreading fundraising applications;
- formation of estimates, calendar plans of projects on the samples of donors/funds on the basis of production indicators;
- preparation of other documents (samples of letters of intent, recommendations, commercial proposals, etc.);
- reporting on the work performed.

Coordinator of the Department of Campaigning

с 09.2020 по 11.2020 (2 месяца)
Political Party, Київ (Non-Governmental Organizations)

- holding meetings of citizens, and other meetings with voters;
- holding public press conferences on the political activities of the party or political activities of candidates;
- coordination of distribution of election leaflets, posters, and other printed campaign materials or printed publications in which election campaign materials are placed;
- control over the placement of printed campaign materials or political advertising on outdoor media;
- work on setting up agitation tents and control over the work of agitators;
- preparation of reports on the work performed;
- administrative work on the material support of the staffs (payroll agitator, staff, etc.);
- building a system of placement of agitators within constituencies;
- building a network for the centralized distribution of the agitation newspaper.

Assistant Consultant of the People's Deputy

с 04.2020 по наст. время (4 года 5 месяцев)
Verkhovna Rada of Urkaine, Київ (Неприбуткові, благодійні та громадські організації)

- to assist the People's Deputy in considering the proposals, applications, and complaints of citizens sent to him by mail or submitted at a personal;
- on behalf of the People's Deputy to study the issues necessary for the deputy to exercise his deputy powers, preparation of relevant materials;
to assist the People's Deputy in organizing reports and meetings with voters;
- to assist the People's Deputy in considering the proposals, applications, and complaints of citizens sent to him by mail or submitted at a personal reception by voters and resolving the issues raised by them;
- to provide the People's Deputy with organizational, technical, and other necessary assistance in the exercise of his deputy powers;
work in the district;
- opening of the reception of the Ukrainian People's Deputy;
establishing communication with public authorities, public organizations, activists, etc.;
- support and control over the implementation of projects;
- preparation of analytics;
- preparation and calculation of projects;
- hiring and training of staff.

Assistant Consultant of the Deputy

с 02.2020 по 11.2020 (9 месяцев)
Kyiv City Council, Київ (Governmental Sector)

- preparation of draft decisions.a study of issues necessary for the exercise of deputy powers, informing the deputy about all received letters and documents addressed to him, informing the deputy about all contacts and suggestions addressed to the deputy of the local council;
- preparation of materials for deputy appeals and inquiries;
- record-keeping, preparation for committee meetings, plenary sessions;
- maintaining the deputy's connection with the faction and responsible employees of the party from which or with the support of which the deputy was elected;
- assistance in organizing the reception of deputies, meetings with voters, labor collectives, associations of citizens, and holding public events;
- preparation of draft decisions;
- control over the timely receipt of responses to parliamentary inquiries and appeals.


с 07.2019 по 02.2020 (7 месяцев)
Family Production, Київ (Media)

- conducting business correspondence and communication with lawyers, financiers, and project producers on documents submitted to competitions for donors/foundations/charities and at the request of investors;
- monitoring of international and Ukrainian donors/funds and other organizations that provide support to Ukrainian companies;
- maintaining a database of donors/funds;
- maintaining a database of projects supported by the department;
- writing, editing, and proofreading fundraising applications;
- formation of estimates, and calendar plans of projects on the samples of donors/funds on the basis of production indicators;
- preparation of other documents (samples of letters of intent, recommendations, commercial proposals, etc.);
- reporting on the work performed.

Legal Counsel

с 05.2018 по 05.2019 (1 год)
Vox Legum, Київ (Legal)

- to carry out work to ensure compliance with the law in the activities of the law firm and protect its legal interests;
- to prepare legal certificates and conclusions on the activities of the law firm;
- to represent the interests of the law firm in all public authorities, local self-government, courts of all instances (until January 1, 2019);
- provide legal services to clients of the law firm and represent their interests;
- provide a full range of legal services to clients on behalf of the law firm, namely the preparation and analysis of contracts, protocols, legal certificates, orders, and all other documents, provide oral and written advice on legal issues, and represent clients in public authorities, local governments, in the state executive service, obtains licenses, permits for business activities of clients;
- to conduct business communication with clients of the law firm, to answer phone calls;
- to organize and conduct negotiations in the interests of the company or its customers with third parties;
- determine the list of necessary documents for the provision of legal services to the client, if necessary, assist in obtaining such documents;
- to provide legal services both at my workplace and with a visit to the client or other institutions and organizations;
- to monitor the legislation and inform the head and clients of the law firm about all changes in the legislation that affect their activities;
get acquainted with legal systems and databases, periodicals on legal issues, prepare analytical articles, and reports, participate in presentations of law firms, conferences, etc.
- to carry out a legal examination of orders, instructions, regulations, and other documents of the law firm, if necessary, endorse them, as well as participate in their preparation.

Customer Service Specialist

с 02.2017 по 09.2017 (7 месяцев)
PrivatBank, Київ (Finance, banking, and insurance)

- analysis of the audience of potential customers, identify customer needs, their level, and interests;
- organization of customer search in all available ways (by placing advertisements, participating in exhibitions, presentations, conferences, etc.);
- forecasting the business reliability of potential customers, their financial and material security;
- organization and conduction of preliminary negotiations with clients interested in the proposal, clarification of the needs of each client, and preparation of proposals addressed to a particular client;
- ensuring compliance with etiquette when communicating with customers;
- meeting with clients, discussing and agreeing on draft agreements, concluding agreements on behalf of the Bank;
- providing consultations for clients;
- preparation of reports on the work performed.


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Finance, Banking And Insurance, Київ
Высшее, с 2019 по 2021 (2 года)

National Aviation University

International law, Київ
Высшее, с 2011 по 2017 (6 лет)

Знания и навыки

  • Користувач ПК
  • MS Office
  • MS Excel
  • MS PowerPoint
  • MS Outlook

Знание языков

  • Английский — выше среднего
  • Немецкий — начинающий
  • Украинский — свободно
  • Русский — свободно

Дополнительная информация

Спеціалізуюсь у веденні адміністративних справ, аналізі законопроектів та взаємодії з виборцями. Ефективно виконую обов’язки з організації зустрічей, підготовки документів та управління календарем подій.

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