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Резюме от 26 февраля 2024 Файл


Java, Backend developer

38 лет
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Vladyslav Yevdokymenko
Software Developer - Java

Summary Details
Experienced in financial product development. Familiar with Ukraine
multi-currency, transactions, accounts and orders. Able to find [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
non-standard solutions for complex problems. [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Employment History
Java Developer - Axon Trade | Axonsoftware, New York - Kyiv [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
June 2022 — until now github.com/vevdokimenko
● Development and improvement of the functionality of the
OEMS product - placing SPOT / MARGIN / FUTURES orders
(limit or market), taking into account the side (buy or sell, long
or short position), canceling orders, replacing orders, http://hxotkznrqy.eu11.qoddiapp.com
Game, web app - Java, SpringBoot,
obtaining a list of open orders, positions, balances, trade Thymeleaf, CSS
history in the context of an individual order and in the context
of trades. https://vevdokimenko.github.io/landi
● Creation services for connecting and operating to exchanges ng-cakes/#/
(third-party API), including authorization, generation and Landing page - HTML, SCSS, JS, React.js
parsing messages which are broadcasted via
● Development of controllers, services and models for the Landing page - HTML, CSS, JS
implementation of REST, JSON-RPC or Websocket API for the
application. https://github.com/vevdokimenko/su
● Integration with third-party providers: such as Custody, KYC, pport-service
Payment. Combining several calls into an atomic operation - a Console app - Java, Hibernate, MySQL
● Working with smart contracts of the Ethereum blockchain. 4_Spring_Data
Creating a proxy contract with the ability to generate child Web app - Java, SpringData, MySQL
contracts. Using web3j, implementation of contract
management: generation of child contracts, subscription and
processing of proxy and child contract events.

Head of IT Dept - Azmol (Industrial enterprise), Berdyans’k Skills
May 2017 — April 2022 Java, REST API, JSON-RPC, Websockets,
Graphic Designer - Agrinol Lubricants, Berdyans’k FIX, Gson, FastJson, Web3j, Google Guava,
September 2013 — May 2017 Jetty, Jersey, Logback, Mockito, Power
Graphic Designer - PRO100 Media Group, Berdyans’k Mock, JUnit, Spring, Hibernate, PostgreSQL,
November 2010 — December 2013 MySQL, Thymeleaf, HTML, CSS/SCSS,
Graphic Designer - Publishing House, Poltava JavaScript, React.js, Maven, Subversion, Git,
October 2007 — November 2009 Jira, Confluence, Bamboo, Crucible

Courses Education
Clean code and design patterns, robot_dreams Specialist, Poltava National
https://my-ua.robotdreams.cc/uk/certificate/642d795227f64 Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University
January 2023 — March 2023 September 2003 — August 2008
Java Developer, CyberBionic Systematics (ITVDN) Economical Cybernetics
November 2021 — March 2022
Front-end Web Development Languages
October 2020 — January 2021 Ukrainian - Native
Java Developer, javarush.ru Russian - Native
January 2015 — December 2016 English - Intermediate

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