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Резюме от 16 мая 2024 Файл



43 года

Контактная информация

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Gilchenko Vladimir Borisovich

Vacancy: Design Engineer (Alarms, centralization and blocking)

Date of birth: 14, August, 1980 ( 34 года)
Region: Ukraine, Kiev oblast

Contact information:

Residence place: Kiev, Vasilkov region.
Phone: cell. [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
e-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

To be Company’s employee, working in sphere of construction, transport technology, in order to continue and realize the knowledge, which acquired during training and previous work.

Insistence, initiative, communicability, respectability, competence, accurateness, responsibility

Work experience:
SE “PI Ukrmetrotunnelproject”.
Designing of metro, tunnels, structures.
02.2012-up to now
Alarms, centralization and blocking
Team Leader of facilities of alarms, centralization and blocking
Design of automatic train control systems, preparation of electrical schemes, equipment placement in the tunnels and in the premises
Make up the estimates. Supervision of construction
The introduction of innovations in design decisions
Completed projects in the Kiev subway station: Exhibition Center, Hippodrome, Towers

SBK (Slobozhanskaya structural ceramic)
Оzerskiy’s branch of SBK plant
PCS Engineer.
Maintenance, setting and repair of equipment on base of microcontrollers “Siemens”.

Scientific research and design institute of transport construction «Кievgiprotrans»
Automation and telecom department
Engineer of І category

Kiev signalization and network distance on South-West railway station
Maintenance of automation and network on railway station
Electromechanician of ACB at area Kiev-Fastov (double track, 120 pairs per day and night)
Servicing and repair of equipment of ACB, equipment diagnostics, participation in the preparation and launch of new automation systems at the sites

Kiev Economic and Transport Technology University (КETTU)
Faculty: Automation, telemechanics and communication
Electric engineer of railroad service
Subject of diploma: organization of operational communication system on site
Кiev-Fastov, on base of IP-telephony.

Secondary specialized
Kiev Electromechanical Railroad Technical College by N.Ostrovsky
Division: Automatic control system of railroad traffic.

Professional skills:
Advanced PC User, Autocad , Open office, estimated program АВК.

Knowing of languages:
Ukrainian - excellent
Russian - excellent
English - elementary

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