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PHP developer (Full stack)

26 лет

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.


Artur Bezkrovnyi
F u ll Stac k D eve lo pe r
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Address - Dnipro, 49055

I am ready to adapt to new 2017 - 2018 Freelancer, Http | Dnipro
technologies and cope well with new Creation of the site-calendar "Kaddish", "Site for the sale of
difficulties, I always strive for castles in Austria" and minor improvements on current
development in the field of IT! projects at that time
I own the full configuration of the 2019 - 2020 Freelancer, FoodCiti | Kiev
server and the projects that I take
into work, as well as their Maintaining a development team and full development +
development of an international site architecture for
architectural interaction with each
warehouse management, procurement and delivery of
other products
The list of technologies is not
2021 - 2022 Freelancer, Sunpanda | Dnipro
complete and is constantly
expanding! Full development of a restaurant business management system
mobile app + PWA + admin + CRM!
EDUCATION 2016 - Now Freelancer, Private business | Dnipro
• College of Radio Electronics
I carry out completely different orders for improvements or
Computer Networks
development of software products
Ukraine, Dnipro, Schmidt Ave.

• National Technical University SKILLS
Computer Science ▪ Well-experienced In Laravel;
▪ Symphony components knowledge;
Dnieper Polytechnic
▪ Deep knowledge of OOP, design patterns and SOLID;
• Dnipropetrovsk State University ▪ Experience with HTML, CSS, Less, Bootstrap, jQuery;
of Internal Affairs ▪ Dealing with JSON / XML / YML;
▪ Good knowledge of Redis / Memcached;
Legal sciences
▪ Working with queuing systems through Redis, familiar with RabbitMQ / German;
▪ Experienced in Mysql / MongoDB / PostgreSQL;

LANGUAGES Good knowledge of Git / Docker;
▪ Experienced in Linux OS (Ubuntu, Linux Mint);
• Russian Native ▪ Nodejs + Express basics;
▪ Typescript basics;
▪ Full knowledge of Vue js, VueRouter, VueSSR, Vuelidator, VueLoader and Quasar
• Ukrainian Native
(optional Nuxt);
▪ Average knowledge of Webpack;
• English Pre-Intermediate ▪ Good knowledge of GraphQL;
▪ Familiar with MariaDB /CassndraDB use;
▪ Nginx optimization;
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ▪ LAMP raising on the server;
▪ Knowledge of HTTP / HTTP2 principles;
GO, Java, C#, Python in the process of ▪ Working with TCP sockets and UDP sockets + UNIX sockets understanding;
▪ Working with IMAP / SMTP mail protocols;
mastering. These languages are at the
▪ Basic knowledge in Micro services building and load distribution in the system;
basic level for now. ▪ Understanding the use of streaming, synchronous and asynchronous operations in
js and PHP;
▪ Work with HTTP manager Guzzle;
▪ Working with HTTP client Axios;
▪ Continuous striving for new growth in knowledge and experience!
▪ Knowledge of Agile methodologies : Scrum / Kanban;
▪ Ability to designers an order from begging and to manage its development!

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