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Резюме от 11 июля 2022 Файл


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Mykhailov Danylo
Personal information
Bachelor degree at National Technical University “Dnipro Polytechnic”
Address: Verbova st., 33024, Rivne, Ukraine
Mobile phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») (telegram).
E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Date of birth: 08.04.2001

My aim is getting a job (remoted preferably), connected with customer support of internet or gaming technologies or developing, structuring, administrating, modernizing: data bases and sites. I am capable of fast and easy learning, ready for a self-educational process. Ready to work at night time and during the weekends. My main priority as a student is getting work experience in IT-sphere.
National Technical University “Dnipro Polytechnic”, faculty of information technologies
Specialty 122 – Computer Science (2018–2022)
Additional education:
Course “Cisco Certified Network Associate” (CCNA) at university (february 2020 - may 2020)
Job experience:
Development of coursework at subject “Database organization” on the topic: “Mastering design technology and creating automatic informational systems, in MS Visual Studio C#, using language of structure requests SQL”
Summer practice at university (sites and little C# adds development)
March 2021 – August 2021 working at a logistics warehouse of international company Rossmann in Poland, city Pyskowice
November 2021 – June 2022 remoted work as a Specialist of software implementation and personnel education with application of structure requests SQL at EVA office, Dnipro
Development of graduate work on the topic “Development of informational system dedicated to designing technical documentation, using PHP/WordPress”
Professional skills:
Working with WordPress, MS SQL Server, Oracle Virtual Box, Cisco Packet Tracer, MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), DBMS: Oracle Database, design program: Photoshop, programming languages: JavaScript, PHP, Java, С#.
Ukrainian – native
English – Upper-Intermediate
German, polish – Beginners level
Personal qualities: punctual, conscientious, self-criticizing, responsible, able for self-education, always reaching goals. I am capable of analytical thinking and analysing information.
Acceptable salary level: 550-700 $ per month (at the start).
Not married, no kids.

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