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Резюме от 15 мая 2023 Файл


Python Developer

44 года
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Киев, Львов, Одесса

Контактная информация

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

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Python developer

Contacts Summary
I am an active and purposeful Python Developer with one year of practical
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») (Telegram) experience. Also, I have extensive experience with managing teams and
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») 10+ years as a system administrator. Currently, I am looking for new
LinkedIn: Volodymyr Safonov opportunities in Python Software Engineering. I am well familiar with
GitHub Python Core as well as the most popular frameworks (Django, Flask,
Kyiv, Ukraine/ remote / relocate Django REST Framework). Attentive to details, doing my best to give correct
estimations. I constantly continue to improve my programming skills.

Python 3.7+ & OOP
Design Patterns, TDD, SOLID, Python developer, my projects
DRY, KISS Task manager (Django, PostgreSQL, bootstrap, CSS, render.com)
Algorithms, Data Structures
Web Scraping: GitHub
BeautifulSoup4 Cinema API (Django REST, PostgreSQL, JWT, Swagger, Docker)
Data Analysis: NumPy,
Concurrency: GitHub
Multithreading, Asyncio, Head of IT Department & Marketing specialist, AXOR
Celery, Django Q
Web Frameworks: Django, development and implementation of the company's document
DRF, Flask (basics), FastAPI management system
(basics), Jinja, SQLalchemy
Databases: PostgreSQL, Head of IT Department & System administrator, Nasha Apteka
SQLite, Redis (basics),
MongoDB (basics) development and launch of an automatic ordering system for
Front-end: HTML, CSS, network pharmacies
Bootstrap, JavaScript (basics), management of an extensive IT structure
AJAX, Cloudinary
DevOps: Docker, Heroku,
Render.com, AWS (EC2), System administrator & Leading Specialist of IT Department &
CI/CD Head of IT Department, Krayina IC
Networking & Security: HTTP,
development of the structure and construction of the entire computer
Tools: Git, GitHub, Debugger, and telephone network of the company
Pytest, Trello promoted from system administrator to head of IT department
learned to manage a team

English - Intermediate
Germany - Elementary Chernihiv State Technological University
Ukrainian - native Masters degree, computer systems and networks

Achievements Self-education

The best of sales in Coral Travel Python Developer, Mate academy (Certificate)
3 ultramarathons, 4 classic Python Online Marathon, SoftServe IT Academy (Certificate)
2 peaks above 5,000 meters Python Web Development, Foxminded (Certificate)

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