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Резюме от 26 июля 2022 Файл



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Contact information
Mariia Kashtalian
Dnepr, Ukraine
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
LinkedIn: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Summary of Main area: Python Server side for systems and platforms
Qualifications (Backend) based on microservices architecture.
Proficiency in Python, SQL, testing.
I'm a responsible, wide-thinking, attentive to details and stress-resistant
person. On most of the projects, I have performed bugs fixing, supporting
and development activities. I have strong understanding of the object-
oriented concepts and design patterns. Most of project I took part in were
handled with Scrum. Therefore, I have experience and good understanding
of this methodology.
I am open-minded, result-oriented and self-motivated.

Skills Hard: Soft:
• Python OOP • Working in a team
• Python ORM frameworks • Critical thinking
• Software Architecture Design/ • Attentive to details
UML /Design Patterns
• Knowledge of SOLID, DRY
• Databases(PostgreSQL, MySQL,
• Pytest, ddt
• Web frameworks: Flask, Django
• Agile, Scrum methodologies
• AWS Infrastructure(SQS, Lambda,
EC2, S3, Cloud Formation, SAM,

Experience / IT related EPM-RDUA
educational practice Customer: EPAM Systems, Inc., Software & Hi-Tech
Project role: Python Engineer
Project: EPM-RDUA, Project to track RD-related activities and
education costs in UA Office, to separate it from other GDOs and mid-
term to replace huge and old EPM-FARM
• Developed tasks with optimal solution
• Code refactoring
• Writing documentation
• Unit-testing
• Task estimations
Team: 7 members, 1 TL
Database: Postgres
Tools: PyCharm, Gitlab
Technologies: Python 3.7, pytest, sql
Customer: Thomson Reuters
Project role: Junior Software Engineer
Project: Our team created from scratch a service to assemble
documents and publish them into a search system. It is a part of the
complex system which contains about 40 other services and is
included in several workflows. We collaborated with other customer
teams on the codebase (about 30 ppl).
• Coding
• Refactoring
• Testing
Team: 7 members, 1 BA, 1TL. Customer side: 3 developers, project lead,
architects, managers, content operators, etc
Database: RDS (PostgreSQL), DynamoDB
Tools: IntelliJ Idea, Postman, ipython, vs code, docker, internal company
tools for documentation - lucid chart
Technologies: python, AWS, SAM (lambdas + step functions), RDS,
code pipeline, DynamoDB, datadog, java/groovy, XSLT, lxml,
marshmallow, bash, jfrog (aritfactory), sceptre, pytest, swagger, dredd,
redis (elasticache) ,sql alchemy, docker

Languages Russian-native

Education Bachelor Degree:
Dnipro National University of Oles Gonchar, Faculty of Applied
Mathematics, Software Engineering
Master Degree:
Dnipro National University of Oles Gonchar, Faculty of Applied Mathematics,

Additional education https://www.coursera.org/learn/data-pipelines-
(courses, trainings) tensorflow

GIT links Projects: https://gitlab.com/maria.kashtalian

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