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Резюме от 23 мая 2024 Файл


Преподаватель физики

53 года

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Name: Shvets V Marina
Date of birth: February 20, 1971
Address: Ukraine, Odessa,
Contact: tel .: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
e-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

To replace the position of a teacher who needs to use the acquired knowledge and have the opportunity for professional development as a teacher.
1989 - 1994 Odessa State Academy of Refrigeration. Faculty of Thermophysics, specialty-engineer-chemist-technologist, specialist diploma.
2015–2019 Postgraduate study at the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, specialty - Technical Thermophysics and Industrial Thermal Power Engineering. Defense of the dissertation on the topic: "Thermophysical modeling of wet steam transport in thin porous media and semipermeable membranes".

2005-2020 Department of Computer Engineering. Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies. Carrying out of works on laying and adjustment of networks, adjustment of computers. Preparation of topics and tasks of laboratory works. Planning and conducting practical classes and laboratory work.
2017 - 2020 Engineer on scientific state budget issues. Department of Physics. Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies.
2016 - 2020 Chairman of the scientific and technical council of the public organization "Directors' Club" Odessa. Organization of work on the implementation of investment and innovation projects, including the construction of new enterprises by industry, the creation of new jobs, solving social problems of workers in the city of Odessa.
2020 - 2021. Teacher of physics. Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies.
2022 - to the present time. IT teacher. Department of Information Technology. Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies.
Professional skills:

Availability of scientific works - I have 20 published works on the topic of the dissertation: from them - 8 articles in leading professional publications and 3 - in foreign periodicals, which are included in the international scientific metric database Scopus. Extensive experience working with students and pupils of secondary schools, colleges, who are students of preparatory departments at ONAFT (before university). Co-author and author of scientific publications (20), of which (3 in Scopus), developed guidelines for university students, a participant in scientific conferences.
There are skills in working with IT technologies in part, setting up local networks, installing operating systems and office applications, collecting, storing and transmitting information.
Professional language skills: Ukrainian, Russian - fluent; English - I read,
translate with a dictionary.

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