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Front-end разработчик (trainee), junior HTML-coder

27 лет
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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Hello! My name is Dmitriy. I am 23, i live in Mykolaiv.

======================================================ABOUT ME======================================================================================================

In 2014 i graduated from school.
in 2018 I graduated from National Academy of Internal affairs in Kyiv, and got Law education.
Since 2018 i've tried myself in different directions( credit expert, work abroad in Poland, i was a seaman on the ship :).
Now i am not working, im learning at home.
But i understand - that it`s not, what i really want.
I am interested in IT technologies and i think, it is the most perspective industry in our days.
i learn by myself, watching differnt courses, reading literature and of course practise.
I'm interested in web-dev, i mean front-end spec.
Till nowdays i think i have enough basic knowledge in HTML and CSS (flex-box,positioning,know about BEM and try to use it), i can make simple landings,
but i'm still learning JavaScript(Till now i can add jquery plugins into my work and somehow change them as i need).
I'm interested in this industry and i like studing somethign new, and ofc i learn it fast because i'm greedy to knowledge and i have certain purposes for
my nearest future, but i understand that learning myself is not as efficient as studing in team, or at work on real cases and with real masters.

======================================================MY SKILLS======================================================================================================
-fast learning
-easy to communicate
-fluent english ( advanced, i think, i've been learning eng for 11 years)
-real interest in this theme and industry
-everyday self-learning
-understanding of constructive critics
-i am ready for relocate if it's needed
-have lot of time to do tasks and go on learning
======================================================WHAT I WANT/LOOKING FORE======================================================================================================

I want to become a part of this IT - world.
I am looking for a possibility to become an intern/trainee in Company, to learn faster and have a possibility for my dreams come true,
and i think it's the best way learning by facing real problems and cases.

======================================================MY CONTACS======================================================================================================
e-mail : [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
telegram : @cactus_john
viber on this number.

i will be very glad if u contact me, i think u won't be disappointed, i'll answer all your questions. So i'm looking for opporotunity to grow and get-into this world :)

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