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Резюме от 20 мая 2024 Файл



37 лет
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A. Roskotove 1355, Vlašim 25801

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PROFESSIONAL Highly skilled software development professional bringing enormous talents for
SUMMARY software design, development and integration. Offering advanced knowledge of
in-demand programming languages. Background writing code and developing
systems for e-commerce applications.

• Learned and adapted quickly to new technology and software applications.
• Used critical thinking to break down problems, evaluate solutions and make
• Used strong analytical and problem-solving skills to develop effective solutions for
challenging situations.

MAGENTO 2 DEVELOPER, 10/2022 - 10/2023
Vodafone UA, Remote
New Payment Method and Integration with Bank:
• Develop and integrate a new payment method into Magento, catering to specific
business requirements.
• Implement secure payment gateway integrations with financial institutions or banks
to facilitate online transactions.
• Ensure compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
for secure handling of payment information.
• Test payment workflows thoroughly to guarantee a seamless checkout experience
for customers.
Fixing Bugs:
• Identify and prioritize bugs reported by QA, customers, or through monitoring
• Conduct thorough debugging and troubleshooting to pinpoint the root causes of
• Implement effective solutions to fix bugs, ensuring minimal impact on existing
• Perform regression testing after bug fixes to validate that the changes do not
introduce new issues.
• Collaborate with cross-functional teams to address and resolve critical bugs
Security Enhancements:
• Regularly apply security patches released by Magento to protect against known
• Conduct security audits and implement measures to safeguard customer data and
sensitive information.
• Implement secure coding practices to prevent common security threats, such as
SQL injection and cross-site scripting.

MAGENTO 2 DEVELOPER, 03/2022 - 09/2022
Barweenok, Irshava
• Design and implement custom modules to extend the functionality of Magento 2
according to specific business requirements.
• Utilize Magento 2's modular architecture to create features such as custom
payment gateways, shipping methods, and product types.
• Ensure adherence to Magento coding standards and best practices while
developing custom modules.
• Implement frontend and backend components, including custom controllers,
blocks, templates, and observers.

MAGENTO 2 DEVELOPER, 10/2020 - 03/2022
TransoftGroup, Mukachevo
• Learned multiple coding languages and development frameworks to serve needs
of changing development program.
• Developed processes governing software testing, validation and defect resolution.
• Oversaw programming and quality assurance functions for software team.
• Engaged clients to understand software design requirements and advise on best-fit
• Design and implement custom modules to extend the - functionality of Magento 2
according to specific business requirements.
• Utilize Magento 2's modular architecture to create features such as custom
payment gateways, shipping methods, and product types.
• Ensure adherence to Magento coding standards and best practices while
developing custom modules.
• Implement frontend and backend components, including custom controllers,
blocks, templates, and observers.
• Plan and execute the migration process from Magento 1 to Magento 2, themes,
extensions, and custom code.
• Conduct a thorough analysis of existing Magento 1 functionalities and extensions to
determine the equivalent components in Magento 2
• Adapt or redevelop custom themes and extensions to be compatible with
Magento 2 standards.
• Test the migrated Magento 2 instance extensively to identify and resolve any issues
arising from the migration.
• Provide post-migration support and documentation for the new Magento 2

QA, 10/2018 - 09/2020
TransoftGroup, Mukachevo
Additionally, pay attention to following aspects:
• Performance Testing: Evaluate the performance of Magento 2, including page
load speed, interface responsiveness, and handling of large data volumes.
• Security Testing: Conduct security vulnerability testing to ensure protection against
potential attacks.
• Scalability Testing: Verify scalability of Magento 2 when dealing with various data
and traffic volumes.
• Update and Patch Testing: Check the compatibility of new Magento 2 versions with
installed patches.

SKILLS • Languages: PHP, Javasript • Frameworks: Magento 2
• Databases: MySQL, MariaDB

EDUCATION Lviv National Medical Universiti of D.Halicky, Lviv, 2011 - 2017
B.Sc: Pharmacy
GPA: 4,5 out of 5

Uzghorod National University, Uzghorod, 2003 - 2008
B.Sc: Electronic Systems
GPA: 4,2 out of 5

CERTIFICATIONS Adobe Certified Professional—Adobe Commerce Developer

LANGUAGES English Ukrainian

Upper intermediate Native


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