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Резюме от 26 марта 2023 Файл


Manual QA Engineer

20 лет
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MANUAL QA I am a Junior Quality Assurance Engineer, open to a challenging and interesting
ENGINEER job in an exciting environment and striving to achieve success as a professional in
QA. I am highly interested in improving product quality, implementing of best
testing practices, and setting stable testing delivery.

Experience in testing web
Understanding mobile application testing
Understanding the difference between QA, QC, Tester
Understanding of client-server architecture (HTTP(s), REST, SOAP)
Understanding microserver architecture
Personal Basic experience with JavaScript, C++
Basic experience with GIT
Kyiv, Ukraine (office, remote) Experience with traffic toоls: Charles
Basic experience with API testing
Phone number
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Strong knowledge of HTML, CSS
Email Basic experience with SQL
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Knowledge of the QA principles and approaches
Website Knowledge of the types, levels of testing, and test-design techniques
https://t.me/bodia04 Experience in the creation of Test documentation: Test Plans, Test Cases, checklists,
LinkedIn and Bug Reports
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Experience with the systems JIRA, Visual Studio Code, Node Js, Sublime, Postman,
SQLite, DevTools
Understanding of SDLC, STLC, BLC
Understanding of Agile frameworks (Scrum, Kanban)
English – Pre-Intermediate level

Work experience
Junior Manual QA Engineer Nov 2022 - Feb 2023
MasterDynamix, Kyiv
Internship on a real project. Interaction with the team through the Jira system. Checked
the functionality of the program ‑ adding a new user, as well as adding projects and
subprojects created by the user. Compiled test cases, and applied test design techniques
equivalent to class, and boundary values to create a checklist. I wrote Bug reports in the
Jira system. Development of projects for Java Script.

Frontend developer Jun 2021 - Sep 2021
Porada Agency, Kyiv
Junior Frontend Developer
Internship on a real project. Interaction with the team through the Figma system. Work on
the actual creation of the site with zero. Teamwork with the designer and backend. My

Education and Qualifications
TechMission - IT Education Academy, Kyiv Nov 2022 - Feb 2023
Junior Manual QA Enginner

Porada Academy, Kyiv Jun 2021 - Sep 2021
Junior Frontend Developer

Бакалавр Sep 2021 - Present
НУБіП, Kyiv
Computer engineer

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