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Резюме от 15 мая 2024 Файл


Junior Front-End Developer

36 лет

Контактная информация

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

I'm an experienced developer with leadership skills in team projects and SCRUM
methodology. My technical skills include React, React Native, TypeScript, JS, HTML, and CSS.
I have strong problem-solving and interpersonal skills, a results-oriented mindset, and a good
sense of humor.

WALLET team-project code
Application for easy control of expenses and incomes.
[React, React Hook, RTK Query, Styled Components, Responsive/Adaptive design, GitHub,
Node.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, Swagger]
FILMOTEKA APP team-project code

RUDNYK Browse popular, highly rated, and most anticipated films, including trailers, artwork, genres,
and popular reviews.

VLADIMIR [HTML, SASS, JavaScript, Parcel, Handlebars, Responsive/Adaptive design, GitHub, Figma]
ICE CREAM team-project code
Online store IceCream provides irresistible and delicious products on the physical store and
FRONT-END DEVELOPER caters to online ordering.
[HTML, SASS, JavaScript, Parcel, Figma, Trello, Responsive/Adaptive design, GitHub]
WEB STUDIO self-project code
Web design and development company that provides end-to-end development services for
CONTACT INFORMATION web and mobile development.
Kyiv, Ukraine [HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, Figma, Responsive/Adaptive design, GitHub]
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») PHONEBOOK APP self-project code
A useful app for saving phone contacts.
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
[TypeScript, React, Redux, RTK Query, React Hook Form, Styled Components, Responsive/
LinkedIn: @vladimir-rudnyk Adaptive design]
GitHub: github.com/VSRudnyk JAVASCRIPT QUIZ self-project code
JavaScript tasks for beginners in the form of tests
TECH SKILLS [React, React Router DOM, React Hook, Styled Components, Material UI, Responsive/
Next Adaptive design, GitHub]
TypeScript English Words self-project front-end back-end
React The English Words application will help you memorize new words, repeat learned words, and,
Redux also practice the spelling of these words.
Node.js [React Native, Expo, RTK Query, Node.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express]
React Native Wander Snap self-project code
Rest API This app provides the ability to take pictures of various landmarks and view their locations
JavaScript on a map, and leave comments on the photos.
Expo [React Native, Expo, RTK Query, Firebase, React Hook, GitHub, Figma]
Responsive / Adaptive design
Figma Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine | Sep 2012- present
Git/Git Hub Monitored and evaluated the performance of 80 subordinates, implementing training and
Parcel / Webpack development programs that resulted in a 60% improvement in their performance.
Contributed to the continuous improvement of processes and procedures within the
SOFT SKILLS Prosecutor General's Office, leading to a 50% increase in efficiency.
Developed and implemented strategies to enhance efficiency and effectiveness,
resulting in a 50% increase in productivity.
Not conflicted
LANGUAGES Master's degree, Automobiles, and automobile economy, Mechanical Engineer
2012 - 2015
English - Intermediate
Go IT (Kyiv)
Full-Stack Developer
2021 - 2022

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