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Резюме от 30 сентября 2023 Файл


Фахівець з обслуговування з фізичних осіб


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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

19B Srednefontanskaya

Nadezhda Levina Odessa, 65039
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
CEO, Founder, Creative Director, Project Manager, Graphic Designer [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)


Wimos, Inc, USA — game designer, digital artist, 2D animator ​Planning and design of
2003 - 2006 Information Systems.

Concept design, frame animation, character design, gameplay design. ​UI\UX Design and
Freelancer, Ukraine — game designer, brand designer, 2D ​Digital art and Graphic design.
animator, character designer, digital artist, fashion designer,
web designer, motion designer, UI/UX designer ​Motion design, 2d animation,
film directing.
2006 - 2018

Was engaged in game, fashion and art projects. Creator of fashion design ​Management of Design
(prints) for Domanof.com. Participant in multiple contests (logo, Teams.
character design).
​Startups planning,
development, management.
Devery.io, Australia — Community manager/project manager
​Organization of fashion and
January 2018 - May 2020
art events.
Was full time engaged and involved in most of the development,
communication, planning and business processes as a team member. Fashion design.
Gained deep knowledge on blockchain and supply chain. Management of Development
Fixarta, global/online —Founder and CEO Communication, Marketing,
May 2020 - present time PR, Scaling and Strategic
www.fixarta.com Verification startup for Art and Fashion powered on Planning, Analytics, R&D.
Ethereum blockchain and Devery open source protocol. Medium:
​JS, C#, HTML, CSS, Solidity
(understanding/junior), PS,
AI, AE, Figma, Trello,
Godshoot, Ukraine —Founder and Creative Director
November 2020 - present time

www.godshoot.com Clothing concept startup based on principles of AWARDS
combining Fashion design, Art and Technologies. Godshoot produces
limited edition physical fashion items accompanied with NFTs. Granted by Devery.io for
developing a verification app
Instagram: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
based on Ethereum
blockchain and Devery
open-source protocol

Confirmed as one of the first
100 Creators on Binance NFT

Odessa State Academy of Refrigeration, Ukraine — Master of English (Upper Intermediate),
Information-Management Systems (Developer) Ukrainian (native), Russian
September 2001 - July 2005 (native)

Was engaged as a UML mentor of 1st course students. Diploma subject:
‘Entropy of Highly Structured Information Systems’ with a
recommendation for postgraduate study and educational work.


Warspear — mobile MMO
Was engaged as a freelance digital artist and 2D frame animator.

Web site: https://warspear-online.com/en/

DeadShell — RPG
Responsible for game art, animation, UI design.

Web site:

Devery.io Hackathons 1,2 — a community initiative held for
developers to extend and support Ecosystem
Responsible for promo content, preparation, communication, technical
assistance, promoting and marketing.

Promo video design:

Hackathon #1: https://github.com/devery/hackathon_entries/issues

Hackathon #2: https://github.com/devery/devery_hackathon2/issues

Eveplate — a Generator to help you kickstart new projects
based on DeveryJS
Responsible for design, project management,launch and support.

Web site: https://devery.github.io/eveplate/

Github: https://github.com/devery/eveplate

‘Watching from the sky’(Kyiv Spivakovska ART:EGO
Cultural Center) — Digital and Organization Partner
June 21, 2020 - Exhibition lasted for two weeks. Fixarta released its
special occasion MVP version. Artworks were digitized, written on
blockchain, watermarked with a hidden QR-code, accompanied by NFTs.
Fixarta ensured QR-code tags were easily read through the regular tel

More details:

The First Godshoot Collection video — Video produced for
Brand presentation, Brand lunch.
Responsible for fashion design, film idea and script, post-production and

Full version:

Cut version:

Instagram: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Fixarta Gallery — Art dealing project
Partnered with the Ukrainian-Lithuanian Art Gallery ‘Tsekh’ for
providing services related to digitalization and verification. Empowered
to act as a ‘Tsekh’ Art Dealer Partner. Completed successfully two art
sales of Mykola Bilous artworks verified on Ethereum blockchain with
NFTs minted and transferred to a new owner.

More details:

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